Microsoft and Carlsberg Team Up to Develop New Beer Faster


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Up until now it's taken breweries up to 24 months to develop a new beer for the market. One of the reasons is it the time it takes for humans to run tests on the liquids to detect flavors and aromas in the new brew. In order to reduce this time (approximately 30% of total time) Carlsberg is teaming up with Microsoft to use AI to streamline the process. So starting in January of next year Carlsberg and Microsoft are going to kick this off and speed the development process. I know I'm a huge fan of beer and I hope this spreads to all kinds of breweries so we can get new stuff to try as soon as possible. Once again we have an excellent use of AI in a vital industry!

It’s all with aim of reducing the time it takes to develop new brews–estimated to be anywhere from eight to 24 months–by about 30%. Per the FT, Carlsberg’s three-month “beer fingerprinting project,” as it’s called, will kick off in January, with Carlsberg hoping to eventually bring a commercial product to market.
Can an AI write a song or paint a picture or taste a beer?!!!! Blasphemy I say. [I'm totally first in line for robo-dopplebock]
You mean, mean,....say it aint so! The job of beer taster is in jeopardy! FRAK! That was my retirement job!!!! DAMN IT!!!!
I can tell them if they have a good beer after one bottle. Can AI beat that?
That's actually a pretty ridiculous claim. There are brewers that create new recipes on a borderline daily/weekly basis. There are also so many recipes available online (with scaling options) that this doesn't even make sense. Carlsberg has some of the best labs in the world - dialing in a beer recipe should be easy if they actually want to do it. It isn't a matter of tastes, it's a matter of whether it will sell.

In the case of Carlsberg, their beers tend to fall in a relatively narrow spectrum. Essentially a European pils, European export lager, and European strong lager. They've branched out with dark lagers and a couple "Americanized" beers on occasion, but they're still operating in a space where there are a million ways to expand. One of the easier ways would be to brew an ale. They own several Belgian breweries that could easily oversee that. German-styled country lagers would be another easy direction. There are a million American hoppy ale variants they could pursue as well.
The beer bottle will transmit data back home as it records your reaction to the brew, how fast you inhale it, what you are eating with it, and so on so the next generation of bottles will have rolling ads targeted at you. Possibly with a slight bit of distortion to help make you feel like you are already drunk. It will get its power from the temperature differential between your hand and the bottle. The bottlecap will be the speaker and contain a microphone.

The transparent monitor will be infused with polymeric trainsistors keeping them invisible.

It will be running MIcrosoft BottleCap 1.0.

Then all us tin foil hat warriors will no longer be able to drink beer!!!!! ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH! Those asshats!
Considering how well most of microsoft's ventures go, just shut it down now and call it good.
Wft is the rush? .. i mean with everything? Everything is a rush, to what? Just what us life and why are we rushing? ... Get off my lawn.
I am completely operational, and this beer tastes like shit, Dave.

(locks Dave out of the brewery)
Being Carlsberg it will still taste like ass.
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Sometimes a long development time is touted as a good thing... But but money.
I can see this AI creating and approving neurotoxin brew of some sort once it becomes self-aware...
Being Carlsberg it will still taste like ass.

Carlsberg owns 40+ other beer brands. Bigger ones like Hoegaarden, Corona, Stella; also many smaller-batch breweries that are some of the best beers in the world IMO.
Carlsberg owns 40+ other beer brands. Bigger ones like Hoegaarden, Corona, Stella; also many smaller-batch breweries that are some of the best beers in the world IMO.

I'd say that's a bit of a stretch, but Okocim, Jacobsen, and Grimbergen are solid. Baltika has a few good items.