Max Payne 3 Video Shows Off Bullet Time

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Mmmmm, Bullet Time. I'm not too sure about the idea of forced "automatic" Bullet Time they talk about "in every level," but I'll just have to just wait and see.
The auto bullet time if awesome, because it can allow you to kill off 10 enemies, giving it a more epic feel imo.
Well this video sold me on the game. I wasn't too sure before considering the change in developers but it looks just like the old ones.
I never really liked bullet time or slow motion in games. Mostly cause I never use it. I always felt it was a feature for game consoles cause of how inaccurate game pads are compared to keyboards and mice. Especially since I have no problem walking into a room and blowing everyone away without it. So I usually end up forgetting that feature was there to begin with.
So you don't use a key game feature because you think it's for consoles? T_T
holy santa clause shit this looks fun!! i've always been a fan of bullet time, so i'll definitely be getting this (hope they make this for PC too?)

Well this video sold me on the game. I wasn't too sure before considering the change in developers but it looks just like the old ones.

+1. I was still on the fence but damn that looks just as fun as the first two games that i played over and over..
just more stuff so console gamers can pretend they got skillz. The rest of us know that skillz happen in real time
Yeah, I'm in for one. I absolutely loved the first two games. The atmosphere and music were just off the charts. I loved running around NYC with snow falling everywhere. The 2nd one was just as good and had an awesome story to it and was the first time I became emotionally invested in a video game character.

Not sure how the fat and bald Max will play out but I'll give it a shot.

I just hope they get the same voice actor for Max. That monotone voice that just seemed bored as shit was perfect for the character.
I never really liked bullet time or slow motion in games. Mostly cause I never use it. I always felt it was a feature for game consoles cause of how inaccurate game pads are compared to keyboards and mice. Especially since I have no problem walking into a room and blowing everyone away without it. So I usually end up forgetting that feature was there to begin with.

It was since Max Payne 1 that had bullet time and they did it to have that 'Hollywood action' style feel...I highly doubt it was developed 'JUST' for the consoles.
So you don't use a key game feature because you think it's for consoles? T_T

Nah, more so he is that good where he doesn't need it and almost turns into a handicap if he does have to. At least that's my take on his comment. Hey more power to him. I'm getting old and I like using bullet time. Though I have some herbs that will give me bullet time all the time, regardless of the game. =)
If this was coming out in any month other than May, I'd give them $60. Sadly, Diablo 3 also comes out that month and therefore, I'll be holding off until it hits the bargain pricing.
Nah, more so he is that good where he doesn't need it and almost turns into a handicap if he does have to. At least that's my take on his comment. Hey more power to him. I'm getting old and I like using bullet time. Though I have some herbs that will give me bullet time all the time, regardless of the game. =)

If the herbs are good enough you can play the game without a PC :D
Reminds me of the time I shared some with Seung Cho who had the same idea. It didn't end well...
Max Payne is the only game I've really liked bullet time in... sometimes it's ridiculous, but it's a strategic element, that does add to the "epic" feel. Just because you don't need it to survive, doesn't make it worthless. For one thing, entering bullet time, executing a couple headshots, and watching several enemies fall at the same time once real-time goes back into effect is entertaining.
I never really liked bullet time or slow motion in games. Mostly cause I never use it. I always felt it was a feature for game consoles cause of how inaccurate game pads are compared to keyboards and mice. Especially since I have no problem walking into a room and blowing everyone away without it. So I usually end up forgetting that feature was there to begin with.

just more stuff so console gamers can pretend they got skillz. The rest of us know that skillz happen in real time

Except Max Payne was first released for PC only and had this feature. So there goes that retarded "console kiddie" argument. :rolleyes:
The video explains it better, the way you said it, it seemed like you could be running down a random hallway and change to bullettime.

I think it's only for cinematic moves, like in the video, swinging from a crane down to a lower level. And that makes a little bit more sense.
Forgot to mention, I'm glad they brought back the full weapon slide recoil and magazines dropping out and stuff. I don't remember which one (or both?) they left out of Max Payne 2, but I always thought those were really cool features in the first game.
Nah, more so he is that good where he doesn't need it and almost turns into a handicap if he does have to. At least that's my take on his comment. Hey more power to him. I'm getting old and I like using bullet time. Though I have some herbs that will give me bullet time all the time, regardless of the game. =)

That's the idea. I've played all the Max Payne games, but a lot of other games copied their bullet time. I don't play games on hard mode. If I beat it on normal, then I'm done with the game. On hard mode I'm sure it would come in handy.
Bullet time was awesome in Max Payne, I am happy to see it looks just as good here. After I beat the games, I remember going back with trainers to play certain levels entirely to bullet time, with badass muic playing in the background. It was so much fun.
Looks more like traditional Payne combat, which is good, fun. Yes bullet time is a bit uber, but I like a good push over shoot'em up every now and again.

I think if anything wrecks this game, it will be details of of the character and story telling... monotone narration, dark and oddly surreal/occult story-telling yet doesn't go the crysis route and actually implement gods and aliens...
It's like watching someone play with no movement abilities, just a shoot button, activate bullet time, jump and wait for the crosshairs to move over the target and shoot
Don't write off the bullet time gag as some sort of cheap win button just because you never played MP1&2.
Looks to me like bullet time is as usual... like the first 2.. but the "new" forced bullet time will be in "cut scenes" like the console games... on rails, and all you can do is move the cross hairs and push the button for headshots.. I hate when they pander to the consoletards...:(
Wow, want a medal.

I got my 1st pc at the same age... woop dee doo

Your statement stands on the floor under my foot.

Ill repeat, Max Payne1 was pc only and had BT. It is NOT some invention for consoles...
If u were hardcore as u claim to be you would have played/known this.
Before I was done reading your comment I knew this.

The video sold me, I also wasnt sure but I love MP1, mp2 not as much but this looks as fun as 1.
Wow, want a medal.

I got my 1st pc at the same age... woop dee doo

Your statement stands on the floor under my foot.

Ill repeat, Max Payne1 was pc only and had BT. It is NOT some invention for consoles...
If u were hardcore as u claim to be you would have played/known this.
Before I was done reading your comment I knew this.

The video sold me, I also wasnt sure but I love MP1, mp2 not as much but this looks as fun as 1.

that's where you guys fail. I was hardcore enough to know to stay away from this game when the first one came out. i try to avoid shitty games.

it does not matter if the first one came out for PC, this one is going to be for console lamers.
i am going to make a bold prediction to top this off. When this comes out, it will be a let big let down, not as Duke nuken big, but dam close.

Who am i kidding.... its not a bold prediction.. its 100% predictable.
That's the idea. I've played all the Max Payne games, but a lot of other games copied their bullet time. I don't play games on hard mode. If I beat it on normal, then I'm done with the game. On hard mode I'm sure it would come in handy.

I used BT in Max Payne 1 + 2 a lot for ammo conservation. Rather than run in a room and "spray and pray", I'd slow things down so I'd precisely use only enough ammo to take each enemy down. :p
i have no clue since i have been programming computers since 1981 when i was 6 years old. please enlighten me as to my n00b qualities.

my statement stands

Know how I know you're even more of a noob?

Your programming is irrelevant. You're talking S about something you have no idea about = noob

Keep digging.
that's where you guys fail. I was hardcore enough to know to stay away from this game when the first one came out. i try to avoid shitty games.

it does not matter if the first one came out for PC, this one is going to be for console lamers.


Do you think anyone is impressed? Go away and program your 6 year olds. I mean computers. :rolleyes:
I never really liked bullet time or slow motion in games. Mostly cause I never use it. I always felt it was a feature for game consoles cause of how inaccurate game pads are compared to keyboards and mice. Especially since I have no problem walking into a room and blowing everyone away without it. So I usually end up forgetting that feature was there to begin with.
just more stuff so console gamers can pretend they got skillz. The rest of us know that skillz happen in real time
Except Max Payne was first released for PC only and had this feature. So there goes that retarded "console kiddie" argument. :rolleyes:
That and if they ever played on anything other than noob mode they'd know that BT is pretty much needed at many points in the game if you want to win.

It's looking pretty good to me, not paying $60 for it though :rolleyes: