mATX motherboard with IGP and PAP?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 27, 2005
Does one exist?

I want to do a semi-cheap htpc build for my girlfriend. she wants to watch blu-rays(i want bitstreamed hd audio) and play a few games...the IGP doesnt need to be all that powerful graphics wise, she'll probably be playing mostly puzzle games and such.

thanks in advance for your help!
I'd suggest a separate blu-ray player simply because it will be a tremendous hassle for her to keep up with the constant blu-ray related updates. Maybe get a player that has all of the built-in web apps such as netflix, pandora, vudu, amazon on demand, youtube etc etc.

These players are dropping a lot in price btw, many of the ones with internet apps are below $100, here's a forum where they discuss them:

You can still build an htpc for her for all the other stuff such as games + local video files, and it'll even be cheaper if you leave blu-ray out of the equation (minus the blu-ray drive + expensive software you'd need for it)

Check the first post in this thread for some ideas on cheap but good parts for a budget htpc: (case + psu + slim dvd burner + cpu for $85 shipped).

Just my 2c, but good luck whichever way you decide.
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