Mass Fingerprintingi/network mapping software?

Oct 28, 2004
I'm a little bored and want to pick up ap project before school picks up and I can't do anything fun anymore. Is there currently anything out there that can take a range of IP addresses, and quickly map the network (routers and such) in some sort of distributed fashion. Optional features might be O/S fingerprinting, Nessus scans, etc. I know my University uses something like this but I'm thinking it might be fun to write some sort of framework. I wrote something already that was somewhat similar to this based on a high-availability distributed system I already have access to, though it was slow and a bit clunky (~30mins to scan two /16's). I called it a success because I came up with a very pretty visual map, but now I really think I can improve. So if there isn't any widely available solution I think I'm going to go ahead and try and design this sucker.
The tool I wrote before used nmap/tcptraceroute, but converted all the data into a usable graphical map. I'm thinking of doing something similar but adding in other features, such as the ability to fingerprint/nessus scan etc. The result would be say a router topology, with perhaps the ability to click on any subnet and examine what IP's were up during the scan, then single out any IP to see what other available information is there for it (the O/S fingerprint /nessus scan/whatever else).

I'd probably split up the workload into control nodes that assign areas to map and get results returned to them. Then there would be specialty nodes that would focus in some sort of scan or have the ability to alternate smoothly between types of scans. I'd also need some sort of persistent data node, that'd probably cache the latest information for any given subnet/IP inc ase either the control nodes or the scan nodes become compromised in some way (firewalled etc).

Not sure at this point what I'd do besides that, but I think it'd be fun to have a large amount of information at your fingertips.