Mass Effect 50% off on steam

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Heck ya it's worth it. I struggled a bit with the controls, but adapted to them after an hour or so.
Nice find. I'll add that to my back log of games I need to finish before their sequels come out.
I can't believe I bought this game only last weekend.

A friend recommended it, and despite seeing it before and feeling unimpressed I took his advice and grabbed it for £12.99 which is pretty damn reasonable to begin with I suppose.

I've really enjoyed it so far, it's a very interesting storyline so far with a lot of detail into the other races and characters, there was a stark contrast of incredibly bad design in some areas, mroe specifically with bosses, with the lack of ability to save in combat and putting long unskippable cutscenes before unrealistically hard bosses is just a perfect recepie for disaster.

Luckily the stupidity is very well restricted to the odd boss fight so far (the thorian pissed me off too)

So overall 12 hours in the last week and loved 11.8 of them, i'd recommend Mass effect, I dont usualy enjoy this level of "console" in a game but it's good enough to see past that. I'd recommend it and with character stats in ME1 effecting your start in ME2 which is out early next year, it's a good time to get it.
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