Malwarebytes update has humungous memory leak


prairie dog
Nov 7, 2005
Turned on my pc this am and found that all 16 gig of ram was being used. Tracked it down to malwarebytes, of all things. I guess the update earlier today has a wee bug. Reddit has a thread on it, seems that the vendor is working on it, but, you have to either force stop the service or un-install.

Putting it here for lack of a better place, mods can move as they see fit.
They're aware, they're working on it. Seems that they pushed an update a couple hours ago that really broke stuff. Too bad, their stuff is normally solid as can be, but this time.....nope.
Happened to me also. This is front page newsworthy. Took me a couple reboots to figure it out.
Check for updates. The latest update fixes malwarebytes 99% memory usage.
Yep, looks like they fixed it. I uninstalled/installed anyway, just to make sure.
One of the older machines had to restart twice after applying the latest 3803 update to fix the issue.