Looks Like Lizard Squad was Busted Today

Lizard Squad=Dipshits

I mean really, a bomb threat? I think they were trying to get caught.
So hardcore to get a bunch of friends together using script kiddie tools and rent a Bonet.

I for one am more disappointed in Black Hats/Crackers who would never stoop so low as to give script kiddies the chance to use their hard work for a popularity contest. Times have changed apparently. Insulting script kiddies seems to be the past when you can just steal there money.

There's nothing bad about that. It's long past the time that crackers were out only to show off...
From what I gather it looks like they were just posers wanting to feel like hackers by renting botnets to disrupt service.

Just doesn't make sense though. In today's world things are so different. The NSA/British data gathering intelligence and all the other western superpowers and their versions of overall data control make it really dumb to even attempt something like this.

Subversion just isn't as possible as it once was. Its part of the Orwellian transfer we make as we push technology further into our lives.

What they've effectively done is akin to laying outside the White House with C4 taped to their balls and giant signs above them saying "Right here FBI. My is ready." They couldn't have painted an easier target for themselves and all to disrupt Sony and Microsoft and Twitch? Fucking absolutely pointless. No "grand" message was received by the community and nothing will come of it that makes it worthwhile for these sad people.

People use to spend their time only targeting banks , corporations and governments which I guess if you are a criminal those seem like the normal targets. Now its calling in bomb threats , bringing down online services for gaming platforms and swatting. Fucking dumb.
In before these children beat extradition because of aspergers or some other excuse.