Looking for free website to upload images as imageshack now charge $40/yr.

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
Okay, I have been uploading a few photos here and there via imageshack.us, but just the other day, as I try to upload, imageshack is asking me for $40/yr. for upload. My old photos are fine, but I can no longer upload.

I can use photobucket, but I don't know if there is a resolution limit on photobucket.

What FREE website do you people use that is like imageshack, that it can provide a link so when I click the above IMG button, a photo will show up on forum
I've been using photobucket without any problems.

As for quick links like you're asking, I've used postimage.org for images I post on forums. Although photobucket does fine as well.
I am temporary using Photo Bucket. I don't know what the GB limit is. I just can't believe google would do this. That's like saying facebook begins to charge $. Google stock is already at $1200/share, how greedy can they get?