Looking for ARMA 3 players

I'm really thinking a game like this would be more enjoyable to me than bf3 is. I have never played any of the Arma series and am thinking of buying this weekend. Should I start with Arma 2 since 3 is in alpha? Or should I jump right into 3 and see how it goes? Steam ID is coffaholic. I have a mic and would mostly be playing nights starting around 18:00-18:30 pst.
I'm really thinking a game like this would be more enjoyable to me than bf3 is. I have never played any of the Arma series and am thinking of buying this weekend. Should I start with Arma 2 since 3 is in alpha? Or should I jump right into 3 and see how it goes? Steam ID is coffaholic. I have a mic and would mostly be playing nights starting around 18:00-18:30 pst.

Well, ArmA 3 is still a work in progress and so far content is limited. I would get ArmA 2 + OA if you really want to jump into the ArmA series. You may want to download ArmA 2 Lite just to get a feel for ArmA before buying, though. It's really not much like BF3, but that's in a good way IMO.

Also, there is an ongoing project called All in ArmA (AiA) which is attempting to bring all ArmA 2 and OA assets to the ArmA 3 engine, so buying ArmA 2 + OA wouldn't be a bad investment (as you will need to own these titles to use the assets in ArmA 3 anyway).
I'm actually hoping it's not like bf3 lol.

Arma 2 lite is the demo you can get from the official site yea? I will snag it once I'm off work then if all goes as expected, I will buy it later tonight. I believe I saw a pack with Arma 2 and OA on steam for $25 and a complete pack with a few more expansions or add ons for $15 more. Would it be worth the extra $15 in your opinion?
First, I would get the Lite just to see how it runs on your machine and if you like the controls, etc. Then, I would buy the Combined Operations pack (A2 + OA) if you want to get into it. The DLCs (PMC, BAF, ACR) are nice, but not necessary, really. If you end up being a big fan of the game you might want them, but they basically just add some more units/vehicles/missions, nothing game-changing.
Well I played a few hours of the demo and was quite impressed. Quite different as you said from bf3. Had to get myself out of the run and gun mindset and slow things down a bit to complete the campaign mission. I just bought the Combined Operations pack and am downloading it now.

One thing that remains constant between this and bf3 though.... I still can't fly a helicopter worth a damn lol
A good server I have been playing on is the teamplayergaming arma 3 wasteland server. 40 player slots and active admins!
If anyone is looking for a noob to run around with just hit me up on steam. I've been playing the single player bits mostly trying to get all the controls down and practicing flying the chopper but am up for exploring/dying with anyone willing to join me lol. Steam id: coffaholic