Looking for a good deal on a Power Supply

Jan 19, 2016
Hi there,

I am trying to fine a good deal on a power supply to be used in my file server, so it should be 80+ gold rated from a reputable brand. I think I need in the range between 600Watt and 750Watt.

I really appreciate the help so please help me in this.

I don't like rebates and I can not order from newegg.

Best Regards
I don't know where you are but if you hate Newegg and amazon, Best Buy is a brick and mortar that will price match them. I got a corsair cx650m today for the Amazon price $69. Amazon was out of stock for prime until next week so I figured I'd see what best buy had. Success. The Power supply is bronze though. I wanted to stay in the $60 range. Golds started around $90.