Logitech Will Deliberately Brick Harmony Link Devices Next Year


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Peripheral maker Logitech has told users of its Harmony Link hub that the product will be intentionally bricked as of March 2018. IMO they are screwing their customer base over. The least they could do is just stop updating/fixing the Harmony Link hub, but leave the cloud service up. The only bone they are throwing out for their customers is an offer to discount a new one. Why would I spend more money with a company that is making a product I purchased from them no longer work?

he announcement, which was made to Logitech customers via email before it was later confirmed by phone support, saw the firm admit that it'll shutting down the Hub's cloud service, so users will no longer be able to play movies, music or TV shows with a connected Android or iOS device after 16 March 2018.
Same goes for stuff of theirs that people in my company used like cameras. They make good stuff, but I won't buy any of it unless it is a mouse or keyboard. Ok, I didn't buy the keyboard even... and I have a Razer mouse at home.. um..
Wonder if Logitech has filed the proper environmental impact reports for all of the e-waste this action will create?

In those jurisdictions that require such things, have they created a e-waste recycling plan for the soon to be defunct devices?
Same crap different pile everyday.....this is why I dislike DRM platforms, digital online music companies,and these cloud storage companies. Once they go under or get seized or in this case the company decides its done supporting it, the customer gets screwed.

Which is why I never "buy" music or movies without a physical copy or DRM free option. Mainly because I work on the VOD space and know the margins are razor thin. I do make an exception for games via Steam and Xbox Live. And, really now you have no choice if you want some games. Destiny 2 PC came as a cardboard disk with a number on it for battle.net. LOL.
Stopped buying Logitech products a long time ago, thanks for reminding me why.
Funny. In an odd coincidence, I was thinking about how I'm going to get another Corsair mechanical keyboard...to replace a Logitech keyboard. That led me to think about how my Logitech G502 mouse has not been up to snuff. (Left button acting up, LEDs not working right.) Logitech customer support was poor. So...I was thinking it's time to stop buying Logitech peripherals. This reinforces that thought.

FWIW, I have the infra-red version of Harmony One remote. Great remote. Logitech stopped making it.


Whoever has the reins at Logitech apparently no longer wants to produce or stand behind quality products.
This is why the cloud is the most shittiest idea known to man.

The shittiest company, after Creative Labs, is Logitech, just in case you were wondering...
It's simple.

Never buy any product that depends on an external cloud service to function.

Only buy products that are fully manageable in a 100% local mode, not requiring access to the outside world.

Good luck with that mentality. Where are you given the choice? Show me a device that can be as good or just replace the Logitech remotes?
Glad I went Corsair for my Keyboards/Mice/Headset years ago. I will stay away from Logitech and not recommend them going forward.
They're offering a 35% off coupon, but that's barely any cheaper than buying it from Amazon.

Glad I bought the Harmony Hub instead of the Link, but I'm not replacing it with a Logitech something or other.

EDIT: From below:

The same logitech that released a new racing wheel for the PS4 for twice the price instead of making their old ones compatible. Even hi-end wheels are completely useless. Their policy is buy a new one. Which makes my policy : Not from you, ever.

To add insult to injury, their "new" wheel is basically a refreshed G27 which was a warmed over G25. Which isn't a "bad" wheel, but it isn't deserving of their MSRP in today's market.
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The same logitech that released a new racing wheel for the PS4 for twice the price instead of making their old ones compatible. Even hi-end wheels are completely useless. Their policy is buy a new one. Which makes my policy : Not from you, ever.
Enjoy your lawsuit Logitech. I don't think your 'words' in your 'consumer agreement' will amount to much.

It's like this is becoming their modus operandi. I had a Logitech cam. Great high res that blew others outta the water in Win7. Upgraded to Win10 and Logitech wouldn't update the driver.
Good luck with that mentality. Where are you given the choice? Show me a device that can be as good or just replace the Logitech remotes?

I didn't say there were always good non-cloud alternatives. It's just that I have learned over time that the cloud enabled devices just aren't worth it. Whatever perceived benefit they offer, we are better off without it if they don't work without calling the mothership.

Personally, I'd just settle for a good old fashioned universal remote instead, or just use the three separate remotes for my home theater system like I do now and forgo the new fancy features if I can't get one without cloud connectivity.

It's not always easy. I wish I had come to this epiphany before I decided to buy my Nest Thermostats a couple of years ago. I would have saved up for a more robust enterprise solution that is entirely controlled locally.

Also, if I had known that my law watering control device I bought from Melnor required connecting to a cloud service, I would not have bought it either. I should have realized, considering it is named "Raincloud" but I didn't put two and two together while shopping, figuring it was just a marketing name.

I don't want any device on my network communicating with the internet.
1.) The developer could shut down the service at any time, leaving you high and dry,
2.) Who knows what data they are collecting from you, and;
3.) These things rarely ever get patched, so once there is a security vulnerability, it is there to stay.

I love networked automation products though. I prefer the Ubnt Unifi model, where I can install a VM on my server to control the devices, and they never need to dial home. This is how everything should work.
I've got a drawer full of Logitech security cameras that failed after the 1-year warranty. When they worked they had an excellent image, the software was well-designed and much easier to access over the internet compared to Blue Iris. But the failure rate was so high... I just couldn't justify spending hundreds and hundreds (thousands!) on security cameras. And the customer support was awful. A replacement camera took weeks to arrive and they ended up sending me the wrong model number! So, no more Logitech products for me. A shame, because their mice are/were excellent.
This cloud shit is out of control. I have a home automation system that dwarfs what most people can imagine and it is entirely internet independent. People need to realize that there are better, safer things out there than IOT dildos or whatever.
This reminds me of when Intuit suddenly decided that they wouldn't support transaction downloads on older versions of Quicken. I kept waiting for a class action, but nothing happened.
I love Logitech products. 710 keyboard, Numerous trackballs including the brand new one, G15 keyboard, G19, etc.

Some of you guys crack me up. "I haven't bought Logitech in years but dammit I mad as hell now cuz they shut down the shitty web based blah blah blah..."
This is classic Logitech behavior.

I bought a $400 3dconnexion motion controller and they obsoleted it 2 years later through Solidworks driver support. The non-obsolete upgraded model was functionally identical.

I emailed them and actually sent me a personal response saying that 2 years was enough use to justify the purchase.
I love Logitech products. 710 keyboard, Numerous trackballs including the brand new one, G15 keyboard, G19, etc.

Some of you guys crack me up. "I haven't bought Logitech in years but dammit I mad as hell now cuz they shut down the shitty web based blah blah blah..."

This. As long as Logitech keeps their OEM supply contracts as well as ample supply flowing to every Best Buy, Target, and Walmart, they will be just fine.
Show me a device that can be as good or just replace the Logitech remotes?

Seriously, though... Show my one that can beat the Logitech remotes at around the same cost and I might buy into it. I love my Logitech remotes, but now I'm glad I didn't buy the Harmony Link devices... Kind of not wanting to invest in their products now. I'm looking to integrate the home theater into the Alexa/SmartThings home automation stuff.
My old Logitech G15 keyboard rotted itself to death in one year, and now this news... I have their old gaming controller, the clear blue one with no analog sticks, built like a tank and still feels brand new. What's going on with Logitech?
My old Logitech G15 keyboard rotted itself to death in one year, and now this news... I have their old gaming controller, the clear blue one with no analog sticks, built like a tank and still feels brand new. What's going on with Logitech?

The original with dinky display or the integrated display one? I have 3 of the 2nd generation and they are all still going. One of them had some keys rub off, but it still works after I put stickers on the 3 affected keys.
The original with dinky display or the integrated display one? I have 3 of the 2nd generation and they are all still going. One of them had some keys rub off, but it still works after I put stickers on the 3 affected keys.
The one with the dinky display. It was really cool for its time, game stat displays on it, Rivatuner temps on it, I was even able to send MSN chats on that little screen while I am gaming. But the quality of that keyboard was atrocious, and the keys were terrible, and when the rubber and plastic started to rot, I threw it away and never looked at another Logitech device.... except for their Proteus mouse, which I really like.
My old Logitech G15 keyboard rotted itself to death in one year, and now this news... I have their old gaming controller, the clear blue one with no analog sticks, built like a tank and still feels brand new. What's going on with Logitech?
Wow. I've got Logitech keyboards that range from around 7-15 years old, and they all work fine. The F10 key doesn't work on the oldest one, but that's the extent of it's problems. All of these were used at least for a year or 2 at work as well as for years at home. If one died on me in a year, I'd would have gotten Logitech to replace it.
Yeah, it was even worse. The phones barely had any reported cases that were confirmed in the USA, yet they bricked them anyways.

Yeah, because if they didn't, some American fool would take one on a plane and bring it down with fire. Yep, terrible decision by Samsung... :meh:
Can someone clarify on something for me please? I know this talks about the hub... But is Logitech shutting down the service to configure harmony remotes too? Can anyone help clarify that for me please?

I'm asking as I bought one for my parents a bunch of years ago, and this would suck massive if it were getting shut down. :(
on my 4th harmony 350, dogs seem to use them for chew toys when bored. this one is pretty chewed but still works. hope the service it self stays up to program these