LLaMA drama as Meta's mega language model leaks


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Model files illegally dumped and leaked

"LLaMA still requires hundreds of thousands of gigabytes of storage and a decent amount of compute to drive it. Getting the model up and running also isn't straight forward, unless you're used to handling systems of this kind, and repurposing it for more nefarious activities will also require further technical expertise. Despite the model being leaked, Meta said it will continue to share LLaMA with selected researchers only.

We believe the current release strategy allows us to balance responsibility and openness
"It's Meta's goal to share state-of-the-art AI models with members of the research community to help us evaluate and improve those models," a spokesperson told The Register.

"LLaMA was shared for research purposes, consistent with how we have shared previous large language models. While the model is not accessible to all, and some have tried to circumvent the approval process, we believe the current release strategy allows us to balance responsibility and openness."

In other words, the Facebook group stands by its approach to distribute its tech.

Meta's recent attempts to release large language models haven't gone smoothly. Last year its chatty BlenderBot was criticized for spreading misinformation and anti-Semitic views. Galactica, designed to summarize scientific knowledge, was removed three days after it was launched for generating fake and racist content. ®"

Source: https://www.theregister.com/2023/03/08/meta_llama_ai_leak/
LLaMA still requires hundreds of thousands of gigabytes of storage and a decent amount of compute to drive it.

I still use Winamp daily, but having a NFT Library option in it is just wrong.
From my limited understanding, NFT bizareness even increased when I learned that if the content is any big and free to consult (say if it an color image bigger than a small icon or something like sound-song), the nft does not even has the art.

It is simply a link toward said art stored on the regular dark web (just to make the link feel fancier than the regular server or google drive it is on) and the tricks being the follow, can you listen to your NFT or looking at the image without paying money for the gaz ? If you can, you own a link and you still rely on the sellers to continue to pay for the server that contain the data and not change the data.