LittleBigPlanet fan?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 29, 2004
neverending platforming? Just because you can make new characters and more things for them to jump around on and over, doesn't mean unlimited gameplay. I'm still waiting to see if this game has any depth at all.
Didn't it get delayed again till 2009, or was that just PS Home?
I don't see anything interesting in it.

Altrough that might be casual gamer dream.
That looks really fun. I might even be able to get my wife to play. Hopefully it turns out to be a good one.
This is the first PS3 exclusive I've been interested in. I'm hoping it turns out to be really good.
this looks insane, should be really fun when extremely under the influence of something
> Altrough that might be casual gamer dream.

Is that some sort of insult? This is the sort of game this console needs, instead of more lame first or 3rd-person shooters.

Now if we could only get a good co-op top-down shoot'em up (like Assault Heroes 2 looks to be for the XBOX), and a good Diablo-clone...

Where the hell are the diablo-clones? They do realize that that's one of the most successful non-MMO* games ever, right?
i'm not convinced of its greatness but i'm interested enough to play the final product.