Little VBScript Help


Jan 10, 2005
Sup dudez. So I made this little script quickly, that opens a web browser to full screen, brings you to a page, refreshes it every once in a while, and at each hour it changes to a different page that I've statically assigned in a small array. It is working great, the only issue right now is that its currently doing it in Internet Explorer, and I'd prefer to have it done in Chrome.

Here is a snippet of the code:

Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

objExplorer.Fullscreen = 1
objExplorer.Navigate ""   
objExplorer.Visible = 1

That's just the beginning, the rest is pretty much irrelevant. Basically I want to know is there an Object I can create for Chrome ( I tried Chrome.Application and it didn't seem to work), and if so, will that screw up the rest of my object functions (fullscreen, navigate, etc.)?

I'm not sure if Chrome (or other browsers for that matter) expose themselves in such a fashion. One alternative is to set the machine's default browser to Chrome and use the Shell.Run command:
strURL = ""
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Other tweaks, such as fullscreen display, may require changing the defaults within the installed browser. Definitely a YMMV situation.

Is there a reason why IE is insufficient for this?
Is there a reason why IE is insufficient for this?

Not really, just kind of for reference and wanted to see if it could be done at all.

This will be on dual displays, can I specify which monitor the script opens IE on?
This will be on dual displays, can I specify which monitor the script opens IE on?
Not that I'm aware of. However, as long as the monitor arrangement hasn't changed and the last time Chrome was used and closed down was on the second (aka: desired) monitor, then it should open up on that same monitor again.