linux newbius maximus


Jul 1, 2003
ive just installed linux for the first time and im having problems installing video drivers. i have a old geforce2 mx card in my pc. I dled the drivers from nvidia, tried to run it from the konsole and it wouldnt work. plus once i got to the konsole (using ctrl+alt+f1) i couldnt get out. I tried init 5, init 3, telinit 5 and telinit 3; neither helped. i had to restart to get back to the gui. if anyone can help plz do so.

oh im running mandrake 9.2

It would help if you told us what you did to try and run the nvidia installer (which is normally works). As far as consoles go, if you were already in a gui, you could have just run a graphical version of a conosole ala xterm, aterm, etc.

Most linux distros will provide you with several virtual terminals. You found the first one via Ctrl-Alt-F1 ... the next one is Ctrl-Alt-F2 ... F3 ... F4 ... through F6. Typically the gui terminal is located above even those. Just try F7, F8, etc. That'll usually get you back to the gui.
"konsole" is a KDE terminal application. When you have a text-mode login, that's a 'console'.

Anyways, you're going to want to stop X (and the associated KDM/GDM/XDM process that restarts it) before you install the drivers; one way of doing this is to use init to drop down to a non-GUI login modej, an easier way to do it is to run the XDM script and tell it "stop" (unfortunately, I'm not sure where this is on Mandrake; on debian it's /etc/init.d/xdm it's probably in /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.d for you; might have a different name, tho). After X is stopped, run the nvidia installer.

Things will work now.