LEPA MX F1 600W Power Supply Review @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
LEPA MX F1 600W Power Supply Review - LEPA does not have much to say in terms of marketing about its new MX F1 power supply line. Outside of "Racing car style coating" and "Extremely Silent fan," we have very little to go on, except one thing. 600 watts of good PSU power priced at $49.99 with Free Shipping with be a very good value, if its "good" power.
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Well that was... pathetic. Actually, pathetic is an understatement. The CX430 is a far better deal.
Why do manufacturers bother making such garbage. If it doesn't kill your components it could catch fire and actually kill you.
I really enjoyed reading that. A real scream :). Thank you. I do have one query: maybe I missed it, but did you confirm that the unit was not counterfeit?
LOVE it. Actually, this one reminds me more of the Best Buy/Dynex 400w that was screened for a 250w psu and sold as a 400w. The PCB is just as ugly to boot.

Thanks, folks, for the review.

Fixed - Kyle
Sadly we started selling Lepa PSU's at work recently. I don't ever recommend them to people. The only people who they appeal to are those looking for the cheapest unit they can get. The best part is that I can find no where on the packaging that states the manufacturer warranty length.
I really enjoyed reading about Mary Mallon.

I've always thought that it was weird that the company would call itself Lepa / leper.
It is also important to remember that these values occurred over just 50% of this unit’s claimed output capacity, so it is not even like we were pushing it to its supposed maximum output capacity like we did with the recent CX750 (it might be time to start apologizing to the CX750)
:p LOL !! I was having the exact same thoughts as i was reading the review !! (*But keep in mind that the CX750 is also a CWT-built unit :rolleyes: )

Thanks for the warning Paul ;) !!! Must be an eternal lesson to all potential PSU buyers that are looking for cheap PSUs :D
Wow. Just. Gawd. Dayaaaaaaaaaamn. I must say though, the review itself was an entertaining read. I'm not sure if you guys had fun or suffered greatly while reviewing these units. Just... what in the actual fuck.
I wonder what Enermax has to say about this PSU when confronted with these results? Should we keep popcorn handy in case of such an addendum? :)
A long time ago (Athlon XP era) I bought an Enermax 430W and a friend bought the 380W.
Not long after a year, both started to have problems maintaining the 12V rail.
Toward the end (maybe a year later) my 12V rail used to dip to not much over 10V.

This review rings too many bells and then I saw Enermax are responsible for the review PSUs.
Once we open the MX F1 600W, we are left looking at a pathetically old and under built power supply from CWT

Was it actually built by CWT?
If so, they have to bear part the responsibility for agreeing to manufacture this.
Was it actually built by CWT?
If so, they have to bear part the responsibility for agreeing to manufacture this.

Depends on what that board was designed for.

Maybe someone can enlighten me what platform CWT this is? It looks like it might be a PUF derivative, and if that's the case, well, these are the expected results honestly.
This is the worst power supply review I can ever recall reading. It's shocking that anyone would sell such a dangerous product. You'd think that the number of returns would make this unprofitable. I heard a while back that Enermax no longer makes their own powers supplies and I've been avoiding them since. Now I have even more reason.
Thanks for the review. I wouldn't have purchased a Lepa anyway (running a Seasonic Platinum 2, following the results of the [H] review), but I seriously don't understand why companies even put out steaming piles of shit like this. What do they possibly hope to achieve? I don't get it. They've either done absolutely zero QA, or they don't give a shit about their customers... and to be honest the first equates to the second anyway. Pathetic. It's a textbook example of how to shoot yourself in the face. Repeatedly. With an Abrams M1A2.
and I thought the Corsair from last week was a shit show.. Jesus this thing is even more of pile of crap.

there is way to much crap getting sold these days...
and I thought the Corsair from last week was a shit show.. Jesus this thing is even more of pile of crap.

there is way to much crap getting sold these days...

There's always crap being sold. It's just that those crap rarely make it to [H]OCP testing.
Wow, and for a period of time, LEPAs used to be good because they were Enermax units in disguise. But this is just bad beyond belief. I would see this coming from a shady off-brand manufacturer, but this was a bit of a surprise.
Guess what? That Lepa MX F1 non-modular 600W that was tested by [H]ard|OCP was not made by CWT at all - but by YueLin. CWT does make a semi-modular 650W version of the MX F1 PSU, which is of a different internal design.
Sadly we started selling Lepa PSU's at work recently. I don't ever recommend them to people. The only people who they appeal to are those looking for the cheapest unit they can get. The best part is that I can find no where on the packaging that states the manufacturer warranty length.

Well just be glad you don't sell Logisys units.

I feel dirty for selling them, but some of my customers refuse to pay more than $20 for a power supply, even after I warn them they're basically purchasing an IED.

I'll usually get a call within the year from said customer saying their PC died and lo and behold the logisys unit crapped out. usually they'll have burned biasing resistors, blown caps or failed fans. I'm actually really surprised the units lasted as long as they did.
not only these power supply are pathetic the company's service and RMA is even more so.

My MaxBron 1000's fan started to make noise. But they don't have a Cross shipping policy. I am local to them, and they don't do Walk-Ins. So I am supposed to be down with my main computer for 1-2 weeks???

If that's the case I rather buy another power supply and than throw this power supply through their corporate window. What good is a policy as such, when I need to be down for week(s)?

STAY AWAY FROM ECOMASTER/LEPA/ENERMAX They are all the same company