League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

What do you do to get banned so much? lol, I've went off on people before, using expletives but haven't been banned a single time.
What do you do to get banned so much? lol, I've went off on people before, using expletives but haven't been banned a single time.

I don't know, it's a talent or something.

I find the whole Tribunal system to be stupid and flawed. It's full of people clicking to vote Punish for free IP.

Not only that, i think it's stupid to ban someone for any reason OTHER than AFKing/Leaving and feeding.
Agreed. I keep getting stuck with feeding Brazilians and god help me if I don't go off on them in team chat.
Can't wait for Dota 2, i don't think they will have a system like the Tribunal.

I DO think they will have a system for leaving/afkers.
25-8-5 match as Garen.......and we lost.

It came down to the wire. Both teams had the nexus exposed, but we sitll had two towers on bot and the inhib/tower on top, just lost the mid.

Our team decided to push all together to try and end it. I had told them about 50 times before, FOCUS GP/Soraka. What happens? Amumu comes in, "gets caught" they blow ALL Their ults on him, he turns nad ults them, gp ults, I flash onto soraka for silence/spin, my team dies then I, and we lose.

So tired of getting stupid teams.

You NEVER ever ever ever, focus amumu, leave him for last, period. Do not ever ever ever waste your ult on him in a team fight ever ever ever.
25-8-5 match as Garen.......and we lost.

It came down to the wire. Both teams had the nexus exposed, but we sitll had two towers on bot and the inhib/tower on top, just lost the mid.

Our team decided to push all together to try and end it. I had told them about 50 times before, FOCUS GP/Soraka. What happens? Amumu comes in, "gets caught" they blow ALL Their ults on him, he turns nad ults them, gp ults, I flash onto soraka for silence/spin, my team dies then I, and we lose.

So tired of getting stupid teams.

You NEVER ever ever ever, focus amumu, leave him for last, period. Do not ever ever ever waste your ult on him in a team fight ever ever ever.

Thats why your suppost to join the [H]ard chat in LoL and find some of us that are on in there.
Agreed. I keep getting stuck with feeding Brazilians and god help me if I don't go off on them in team chat.

This. . . I am getting tired of typing and asking questions in the champ select only to have no one respond. THEN as soon as we get in game all I see is spanish flying back and forth. Riot needs to be able to ask for Primary language and try to match people up better. Granted a lot of players do speak some english or can communicate with the rest but it gets annoying when you have it game after game.
LOL my damn point :rolleyes:

edit: Also wasn't pointing my finger at Brazilians being the only ones getting on and speaking a different language. Just was pointing to another post about brazilians being on a lot. I see a lot of Spanish AND YES Portuguese as well as a few others since I dont speak I dont recognize.
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Ended last season at 1530, which I'll admit was partially due to a win streak, but I'd say I fit in around 1450 elo. This season I hit a losing streak early and now I can't get above 1200. The team compositions at this elo are making my brain hurt.
If you play Corki AP then you will get owned....he's an Ad champion.

Go IE/Cleaver on him, his E will dominate entire teams then.

Teemo on the other hand, benefits the most form going hybrid.

Forzen Mallet

Those are three core items I try to get on him.
If you play Corki AP then you will get owned....he's an Ad champion.

Go IE/Cleaver on him, his E will dominate entire teams then.

Teemo on the other hand, benefits the most form going hybrid.

Forzen Mallet

Those are three core items I try to get on him.

2x Nashor's Tooth
2x Phantom Dancers
1x Frozen Phage
1x Ninja Tabi

best build ive ever had for Teemo, and I continue to use this build.

It deals damage, but does it quickly!
2x Nashor's Tooth
2x Phantom Dancers
1x Frozen Phage
1x Ninja Tabi

best build ive ever had for Teemo, and I continue to use this build.

It deals damage, but does it quickly!

Erm, not really a fan of that on paper... I don't intend to be mean here, but I'll explain why since this is the second time this build has been posted. What I'm not sure I like about your build is that you seem to be chasing stats that don't really benefit Teemo. I guess the crit chance on Phantom Dancer is marginally useful, but without building damage it seems wasted. His base damage is low enough that even with the slight damage from Mallet you're probably still critting below 200. I guess the move speed will make you really, really fast, but the diminishing returns on that mean you could probably do better elsewhere, and you're innately faster than most other champs anyway. The AS helps, but you can get the same from other items that give you different, more beneficial stats at a lower cost. I don't really understand stacking Nashor's Tooth either... most of the cost of that item comes from the CDR, but that element is unique so building 2 only gives you the initial 25%. You can get that much AS and AP on other items for less (I assume you don't really need the extra mana regen on an autoattack champ). Finally I assume you mean Frozen Mallet, which puts the total cost of your build at 15560 gold.

What I run on Teemo is much closer to what Stiler said (though I'd describe it as AS/on-hit instead of hybrid). When possible I go for Wit's End, Malady, and Sword of the Divine, then work on Bloodrazor and Frozen Mallet in the last slots. For boots I usually go with Lucidity so I can keep pumping out Mushrooms, but any boots would work I guess. With AS reds and Quints this gets you to the attack speed cap, plus the on-hit effects tear stuff apart (or drop the Quints and get Berzerker's Greaves). Malady should probably be in every Teemo build as the debuff makes your poison (and any other on hit effects) hit harder, and your casters will love you, too. There's also some defense built into this with Wit's End and Madred's/Mallet, so that helps. With this full build it is possible for Teemo to solo baron with red buff (though I run armor and mr runes so that helps here)... in two seconds you get 5 attacks which is a ton when considering that is (not accounting for the Malady debuff) 5x basic attack, 5x poison proc, 5x the 4% from BR, +210 from Wit's, +100 from Malady, and 1 (or 2 depending on how many attacks prior) +100s from SotD. Plus this build can be completed with 14045 gold, meaning you'll get it faster.
Phantoms, without an IE/dmg, are terrible to get on anyone.

Even people that use them (Ashe, GP, Cait, etc) I ALWAYS recommend going IE before phantoms.

Nothing is more annoying then having a range carry that stacks as/crit, with no dmg. Crit is USELESS without dmg behind it. The enemy team will love you because all you'll be doing is hitting them faster, but less dmg'ing, especially if they simply buy a chainmail, then you'll be fucked hard and won't have any mid game at all vs them.

Also there is an attack speed limit, 2.5 is the cap and no matter what you can't go over that.

Nashor's can work on him, but to me, I find the dmg output of Malady/Madreds to be far more useful.

It makes teemo a threat to anything, even tanks. Whereas your nashor/phantom can be shrugged off by most tanky people

Then the phage, without making it into a mallet, it's a much lower chance + a lot less health. Mallet ensures that you'll proc the slow every single hit and gives you more health on top of that.

After I build Malady/madreds/mallet you have room for two more items, you can get a nashor's if you want, or get a defense item, a thornmail if ad is carrying the other team, or a banshee's for ap/cc). I usually get a Wits end or something like that then a bloodthirster if I'm doing great or a defense item if not.

A teemo with a malady/mallet/madreds and then throw in a bloodthirster, wits, or a thornmail, would absolutely destroy the Nashors x2 and Phantom x 2, because he has soooo much more dmg. He's not as fast no, but his hits pack a hell of a lot more punch behind them, + the magic shredding and HP dmg of madreds.
Phantoms, without an IE/dmg, are terrible to get on anyone.

Even people that use them (Ashe, GP, Cait, etc) I ALWAYS recommend going IE before phantoms.

Nothing is more annoying then having a range carry that stacks as/crit, with no dmg. Crit is USELESS without dmg behind it. The enemy team will love you because all you'll be doing is hitting them faster, but less dmg'ing, especially if they simply buy a chainmail, then you'll be fucked hard and won't have any mid game at all vs them.

Also there is an attack speed limit, 2.5 is the cap and no matter what you can't go over that.

Nashor's can work on him, but to me, I find the dmg output of Malady/Madreds to be far more useful.

It makes teemo a threat to anything, even tanks. Whereas your nashor/phantom can be shrugged off by most tanky people

Then the phage, without making it into a mallet, it's a much lower chance + a lot less health. Mallet ensures that you'll proc the slow every single hit and gives you more health on top of that.

After I build Malady/madreds/mallet you have room for two more items, you can get a nashor's if you want, or get a defense item, a thornmail if ad is carrying the other team, or a banshee's for ap/cc). I usually get a Wits end or something like that then a bloodthirster if I'm doing great or a defense item if not.

A teemo with a malady/mallet/madreds and then throw in a bloodthirster, wits, or a thornmail, would absolutely destroy the Nashors x2 and Phantom x 2, because he has soooo much more dmg. He's not as fast no, but his hits pack a hell of a lot more punch behind them, + the magic shredding and HP dmg of madreds.

I play Teemo a lot and I have to agree with Stiler on this one. This is a great build for Teemo.

Sometimes I feel wacky and build AP with Deathfire Grasp, Rabadon's Deathcap and Lichbane. It's not as effective but it's good for hit-and-run and makes your shrooms do a lot of damage and requires a different playstyle for when I get bored of the status quo.

But almost always I go Malady/Madreds. You just can't beat the damage output. By the way, this works great on Kog Maw also. You can use the same build and runes and be quite effective.
Phantoms, without an IE/dmg, are terrible to get on anyone.

Even people that use them (Ashe, GP, Cait, etc) I ALWAYS recommend going IE before phantoms.

Nothing is more annoying then having a range carry that stacks as/crit, with no dmg. Crit is USELESS without dmg behind it. The enemy team will love you because all you'll be doing is hitting them faster, but less dmg'ing, especially if they simply buy a chainmail, then you'll be fucked hard and won't have any mid game at all vs them.

Also there is an attack speed limit, 2.5 is the cap and no matter what you can't go over that.

Nashor's can work on him, but to me, I find the dmg output of Malady/Madreds to be far more useful.

It makes teemo a threat to anything, even tanks. Whereas your nashor/phantom can be shrugged off by most tanky people

Then the phage, without making it into a mallet, it's a much lower chance + a lot less health. Mallet ensures that you'll proc the slow every single hit and gives you more health on top of that.

After I build Malady/madreds/mallet you have room for two more items, you can get a nashor's if you want, or get a defense item, a thornmail if ad is carrying the other team, or a banshee's for ap/cc). I usually get a Wits end or something like that then a bloodthirster if I'm doing great or a defense item if not.

A teemo with a malady/mallet/madreds and then throw in a bloodthirster, wits, or a thornmail, would absolutely destroy the Nashors x2 and Phantom x 2, because he has soooo much more dmg. He's not as fast no, but his hits pack a hell of a lot more punch behind them, + the magic shredding and HP dmg of madreds.

I see what your saying, but my benefit is between the AS and the general speed. Im a baiter. I line an area with shrooms and have my team wait. I end up baiting teams chasing me and my team wreaks havoc. 80% of my kills are mushroom kills from people trying to run away from large team fights. I enjoy that kind of havoc and I have a good premade team that knows how to take advantage of the situations I am able to create. Even smart players who know they are going to be baited eventually fall for this. People get greedy, and when they do, I reap the benefits.

My last Teemo game I went 10-3-19. I was happy with that turnout and my team benefited well from it.

Oh, and sidenote, I did mean mallet.
Man, the new guy, Graves, is great.

He's just a good solid ad carry, lots of dmg, good scape/utility.

All around he feels solid/good, and not underpowered like a lot of recent champions (xer/skar, etc).
Man, the new guy, Graves, is great.

He's just a good solid ad carry, lots of dmg, good scape/utility.

All around he feels solid/good, and not underpowered like a lot of recent champions (xer/skar, etc).

Thank god. I keep picking up the new champs with IP and wishing I hadn't. They seem fun when I go against them but then I buy and play, and hmmm, they're horribly un-fun. Xerath, I'm looking at you.
On a side note, I wish they'd try harder on the skins for the new champs. I mean Xerath's were so horrible they did something unprecidented and redid them within the first week of release. These Graves skins are not exciting at all. Now that I have enough IP each week to just use that to buy new champs, Riot needs to try much, much harder on the new skins to get me to spend any cash.

I'd rather spend my money on the Halloween skins if I buy anything at all. I did buy Super Teemo though... I mean how could I NOT buy Super Teemo.
I wish they'd have picked new champions for skins.

Annie and nid have SO MANY skins already, there are still champion sout there, decent ones, with only 2'ish skins to their name, vs the 5+ of annie/nid.

Also disappointed that they didn't really add any new particles or effects to the halloween skin.

The Noc ghostly skin still has his normal black q, they shoulda made it look green, likle ectoplasm from ghostbusters or something.

As far as graves skins, imo his default skin is by far the best.

I'd love to have seen one with a more iconic western theme, like him wearing an old west style duster coat with a cowboy hat and a old style shotgun, that'd have been awesome and I woulda definitely bought it.
I wish they'd have picked new champions for skins.

Annie and nid have SO MANY skins already, there are still champion sout there, decent ones, with only 2'ish skins to their name, vs the 5+ of annie/nid.

Also disappointed that they didn't really add any new particles or effects to the halloween skin.

The Noc ghostly skin still has his normal black q, they shoulda made it look green, likle ectoplasm from ghostbusters or something.

As far as graves skins, imo his default skin is by far the best.

I'd love to have seen one with a more iconic western theme, like him wearing an old west style duster coat with a cowboy hat and a old style shotgun, that'd have been awesome and I woulda definitely bought it.

Agreed with this.

Put an effort into the skins if you want us to buy them....

Even though I have bought quiet a few in the last month (almost 10 skins I think)
I wish they'd have picked new champions for skins.

Annie and nid have SO MANY skins already, there are still champion sout there, decent ones, with only 2'ish skins to their name, vs the 5+ of annie/nid.

Also disappointed that they didn't really add any new particles or effects to the halloween skin.

The Noc ghostly skin still has his normal black q, they shoulda made it look green, likle ectoplasm from ghostbusters or something.

As far as graves skins, imo his default skin is by far the best.

I'd love to have seen one with a more iconic western theme, like him wearing an old west style duster coat with a cowboy hat and a old style shotgun, that'd have been awesome and I woulda definitely bought it.

Yeah first thing I thought was "ANOTHER Annie skin, really?"
I just noticed that I only own 10 champions! Any recommendations on who to get next?

Ashe is a good standby champion, and super cheap too. Morgana is also great bang for the buck.
I just noticed that I only own 10 champions! Any recommendations on who to get next?


What roles do you like/enjoy the most?

Graves is a good range ad champion and new.

For AP, I enjoy Ryze because he is so different form other ap's in the sense that he doesn't build straight ap, he builds mana , which allows him to go tanky (banshees/frozen heart) and provides him with both good damage output and good survivability compared to most ap casters that are squishy as hell and glass cannons.

Malz is also a good one if you like a lot of AOE abilities and one of the best ult/stuns in the game.

TAnky champions/bruisers, Jarvan and Garen are great, Garen is an easier champion to use, great early game damage (an dif you build him right good late game).

Jungler wise you have Noc already who's my favorite there's also Olaf (which can be extremely powerful late game, but he takes getting used to and building right) and WW, who's the safest/easiest to jungle.
I wish they'd have picked new champions for skins.

Annie and nid have SO MANY skins already, there are still champion sout there, decent ones, with only 2'ish skins to their name, vs the 5+ of annie/nid.

Also disappointed that they didn't really add any new particles or effects to the halloween skin.

The Noc ghostly skin still has his normal black q, they shoulda made it look green, likle ectoplasm from ghostbusters or something.

As far as graves skins, imo his default skin is by far the best.

I'd love to have seen one with a more iconic western theme, like him wearing an old west style duster coat with a cowboy hat and a old style shotgun, that'd have been awesome and I woulda definitely bought it.

*Biased Talon Main Here* Talon still only has 2 skins, he was played a few times in IEM,..... the 2 skins he has currently don't really want to make me purchase them. Although Cassiopeia skins are pretty cool, plus I'm a big fan of Gentleman Cho' Gath
I just noticed that I only own 10 champions! Any recommendations on who to get next?


I'd go for the cheap IP champs first to fill out your list.

Also, if you're planning on spending RP on any of the core champs, I'd take a hard look at those Champion Bundles that Riot has in their store. You can get a lot of champs for a pretty cheap price.
I recommend buying the champion bundles, make sure you look at the bundles so you know exactly what champions you're getting.

Frankly, I'm surprised you don't have Annie, she's so strong.
Well I decided to try a ranked game for the first time. 2000 ms lag and my team thought they could 1v5. Bleh.
Not RP is for skins only. I think I'm going for Ryze and Singd next. I definitely need another caster, Ryze sounds fun. And Singd is just hilarious lol.