Latest * STABLE * BIOS for ASUS X570 Strix-E?


May 26, 2021
I'm kind of a "set it and forget it" guy where the BIOS is concerned. I'm still running on 1408, which I installed probably June 2020 and has been 100% rock solid. Not a single BSOD.

However, I'm trying to get ready for Win 11 and for the latest AMD chipset, so I want to update the BIOS. I need some recommendations. It doesn't have to be the latest-and-greatest, but I can't afford to keep trying out new BIOS releases. And because of work at home, it has to be reliable. It would be terrible if the system crashed in the middle of a zoom meeting, among other things.:eek:
If you're getting ready for Win 11, you'd probably want the newest one anyway because it defaults to fTPM on for Win 11. Otherwise, any bios reset and your computer wouldn't boot.

I flash my TUF X570 board with the latest and greatest when they release. I haven't had a problem with stability.