Latest Nvidia Drivers Break Quake HD Remix for Pascal Owners


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Nvidia drivers have broken Quake HD Remix for Pascal users. The game now chugs along at 15 FPS on a Nvidia GTX 1080 whereas before it was a near constant 60 FPS on an Nvidia GTX 970. It seems that Pascal has optimization issues with the Darkplaces Engine if using the latest drivers. Many of us in the [H]ardforum community still play classic Quake and love documenting new mods that breathe life into the game after all of these years. Nvidia can we get a patch soon? Shout-out to community member Jim Kim for the story.

The last few sets of Nvidia Display drivers have broken the engine's graphics when shadow mapping is enabled (soft shadows) causing black square glitches to appear all over the screen. Shadow mapping has to be disabled to remove these glitches, however, it makes the game even more taxing as shadow mapping made the game run faster, but Nvidia doesn't seem to care and have not addressed this issue in any subsequent driver updates. It's highly likely that a fix may never arise.
Nice! Maybe the front page here will bring a bit more attention to this. I just read about the shadow bug in the Quake thread about an hour ago.
That video burned my eyes.

I'll stick to vanilla Darkplaces with HD textures.

("shiny enough" while still looking like Quake)

Darkplaces is good. I haven't actually tried HD Quake, but I'd love to see NV fix their driver with it. There were other ones I liked too several years back. Tenebrae was nice. A little plasticy, but the lighting was cool. There were a few other ones too, but I think Darkplaces was the one I used most.

Hehe, I love it when "independent" and "sponsored" are used in the same sentence.

What's really interesting is that Intel's drivers actually seem to work pretty well these days. Now THOSE were abysmal. There were black boxes around EVERYTHING from 3D objects to desktop icons. :D
But nVidia drivers are SO MUCH MORE SUPERIOR to AMD Drivers.. :rolleyes:

Nvidia USED TO have the best drivers in the industry.

They've gone seriously downhill ever since Microsoft released WDDM 2.1

The first release supporting WDDM 2.1 (372.54) was a pile of shit, and the drivers have been iffy ever since.
I didn't realize Quake HD remix existed. I might run it for old times sake, if I could...

Now that this driver problem exists, I guess I wont. I don't feel like downgrading drivers for it.
That video burned my eyes.

I'll stick to vanilla Darkplaces with HD textures.

("shiny enough" while still looking like Quake)

That rocket launcher and those lights were definitely hard to watch. Must be getting old.
IMO, I think Dark Places looks better in some regards.

That being said, I always love anything Quake going on, so glad this is actually getting attention. It's my #1 game of all time, and that's never changed, and never will.
I guess the mod podge of optimization patches is bound to fail in some way here and there.
Lets hope the kid at the dam doesn't run out of fingers though.
I didn't realize Quake HD remix existed. I might run it for old times sake, if I could...

Now that this driver problem exists, I guess I wont. I don't feel like downgrading drivers for it.
To be fair AMD’s drivers upon WDDM initial release was better too, by a LARGE margin. That didn’t last long though.
Nice! Maybe the front page here will bring a bit more attention to this. I just read about the shadow bug in the Quake thread about an hour ago.
looks like it stirred the pot a tiny bit Played Quake Lately? - [H]ardOCP

My name is Manuel and I am part of the NVIDIA Customer Care team. Can you fill out the driver feedback form below so I can have more details to help me reproduce this bug so we can look into this?
Manuel Guzman
NVIDIA Customer Care​
Christ, I hate hearing stuff like this. I like having some faith I can play games of the past with modern hardware instead of just breaking everything.
Christ, I hate hearing stuff like this. I like having some faith I can play games of the past with modern hardware instead of just breaking everything.
I enjoy Quake and older games. I believe that going forward this will probably get worse as more games have problems, one saving grace is people like Jim Kim that let Nvidia know, as it's extremely probable not many older games are tested. It will be the job of the community to let them know and request a fix. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, so to speak.
Therein lies a problem ... we EXPECT all drivers to ALWAYS be perfect for the game WE PLAY :barefoot:

I waited 1+ year for the Mass Effect silhouette problem to be resolved via the drivers
Article is from October 2017? Is [H] digging that deep for clickbait now?
Article is from October 2017? Is [H] digging that deep for clickbait now?
R U Butthurt because some people still play quake. Or R U MAD because Nvidia broke something that used to work. Or R U Upset that you spilled some milk at the dinner table.
This is what's known in the industry as a Follow-Up article.
Trigger Warning: You will occasionally see follow-up articles on this site and others.
Get over it.
R U Butthurt because some people still play quake. Or R U MAD because Nvidia broke something that used to work. Or R U Upset that you spilled some milk at the dinner table.
This is what's known in the industry as a Follow-Up article.
Trigger Warning: You will occasionally see follow-up articles on this site and others.
Get over it.

It took people who “still play Quake” 9 months to get this article noticed? Very few people care.
Darkplaces isn't the only place to show broken graphics on modern Nvidia hardware. Quake 2 also experiences corruption starting with Maxwell GPUs and continuing with Pascal. Check this video recording I made to show the artifacting:

That's not all. F.E.A.R. also shows artifacting on modern hardware and drivers:

You'll see I had to record the Nvidia clip with my phone because when activating any sort of screen capture software, the artifact magically fixes itself leading me to believe it's something in their drivers that is at fault. Nvidia has been a mess with their driver for several years now. There is 0 accountability for any of it either. People just continue to consume the newest thing and ignore all the disastrous foundation that is holding it up with older games.
Wow, this thread is depressing. It's made me actually consider switching back to AMD for the first time in a long time, although it seems like they're also breaking things.
It’s almost like hardware mfgs have to deal with complexity like OS, drivers, APIs, hardware, power, etc. and can’t predict every little thing. Strange.
It’s almost like hardware mfgs have to deal with complexity like OS, drivers, APIs, hardware, power, etc. and can’t predict every little thing. Strange.

Personally I’m blown away an unofficial Quake mod which has received four blog updates in four years isn’t higher on Nvidia’s “make sure this works” list. And clearly it’s Nvidia’s fault and not a small time mod team possibly doing something wrong with their implementation.
We believe we have reproduced the issue. If anyone has the same issue, can you confirm if the black texture below is what the author of the blog is referring to?

Personally I’m blown away an unofficial Quake mod which has received four blog updates in four years isn’t higher on Nvidia’s “make sure this works” list. And clearly it’s Nvidia’s fault and not a small time mod team possibly doing something wrong with their implementation.

It’s pretty cool that they’re looking into it. There are a lot of ways to play PC games these days. AAA, indie, mods, source ports, virtualization, emulation. I play a lot of classic games, so this sort of thing is cool to me. I’m realistic about drivers from ANY mfg though. Things can break sometimes. It’s nice to know someone will look into it though once in a while.

I’m sure there are also possibilities on the source port dev side of things. You never know. Some modders may as well be working for a AAA or hardware mfg because they’re that good. Some maybe not so much. id’s code though should be pretty straight forward to work with I would think when making a source port.

It’ll be cool if this gets resolved though. This made me bump Quake and expansions up on my list of to-plays a bit.
We believe we have reproduced the issue. If anyone has the same issue, can you confirm if the black texture below is what the author of the blog is referring to?

View attachment 91237

Manuel, I don't believe that's the issue. The problem is that along shadows, there are black squares where it seems a tile based rasterizer pattern is occuring causing parts of the shadow volumes not to draw properly. It looks checkerboard pattern like. Open the console and type in "r_shadow_shadowmapping 0" to switch to stencil based shadows and the problem goes away.
Manuel, I don't believe that's the issue. The problem is that along shadows, there are black squares where it seems a tile based rasterizer pattern is occuring causing parts of the shadow volumes not to draw properly. It looks checkerboard pattern like. Open the console and type in "r_shadow_shadowmapping 0" to switch to stencil based shadows and the problem goes away.

The corruption is showed above does go away also when you set r_shadow_shadowmapping 0.
Jim Kim said:
I reposted this on the devs google+
He responded with this:

Nick Hoover1979 Wride (Hoover1979)
I filled out the driver survey to Nvidia. I also signed up to Hardforum but can't reply to the QuakeHD Remix thread or any other thread.​

Must be due to a anti spamming thing in the forums.