KOTOR impressions for PC

Shhh! I'm not done yet and neither are some others.... put some spoiler warnings on your post.

Fortunately I didn't read to much and haven't spoiled any surprises yet. Although now I've been warned and now I'm expecting... something which does spoil it somewhat.
Originally posted by Ricedaddy
Where do you guys get your cash? I am playing a light side jedi (having dark side tendencies:p ) and I don't really have much dough. I would think that the best way to get money is to play pazaak and do the swoop races...but those both piss me off :).

You can play pazaak for big money after you get off Dantooine. Once you bolster your sidedeck from acquiring the good +/- cards from the Twi-lek at the sanctuary (by first buying the desireable cards he offers and then playing him until his credits run out and he wagers his sidedeck) it'll be smooth sailing from then on out.