KIller Robot Dogs Protect Your Loved Ones


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
We have all seen these somewhat terrifying videos of the "dogs" from Boston Dynamics for years now. It seems as though commercial availability is going to be a reality soon. And no, these robots are not going to kill you, they are going to call the police so that they can kill someone else. But don't worry, Boston Dynamics is not ruling out military applications. The video below highlights the SpotMini's autonomous navigation, and it is worth the watch.

Check out the video.

But after The Associated Press spoke with 10 people who have worked with Boston Dynamics or its 68-year-old founder, Marc Raibert, the CEO agreed to a brief interview in late May. Raibert had just demonstrated the machine that will be the company’s first commercial robot in its 26-year history: the dog-like, door-opening SpotMini, which Boston Dynamics plans to sell to businesses as a camera-equipped security guard next year.
Seeing Jeff Bezos walking down the sidewalk in his sunglasses and one of these death dogs was one of the most chilling things I’ve ever seen.
Seems like yesterday when we saw these in the labs on a treadmill with all kinds of wires attached.
I will love him, and pet him, and bath him, and groom him. I will call him Meat Grinder.

You mean hose him down, sharpen his blades, and change his oil?

These dogbots scare the hell out of me, particularly the ones that run on a lawnmower engine.
Yeah, sure,..they will protect us,....UNTIL THEY DON'T AND THEY KILL US ALL!!!!!
I kept waiting for someone to hit it with a hockey stick or kick it down the stairs. I guess they don't want to reveal it's full combat capabilities just yet.
The mod potential for one of these is real. I would love to get my hands on one of these , trick it out and reprogram it for death and mayhem.
The mod potential for one of these is real. I would love to get my hands on one of these , trick it out and reprogram it for death and mayhem.
I want to mount and old school bear trap to the front of mine.
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The dogs I envision should look like the ones in the latest Kingsman movie.
That thing is so cool. Now put a minigun on it.

It's only a matter of time. I saw drone craft which were armed at SHOT show this last year. Two years before that, I saw similar stuff and the difference that two year period made was scary. I expect to go back in two years and see a fucking Hunter Killer from the Terminator movies instead of a 200lbs. drone with machine guns on it.
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Now all it needs is a four-inch hollow steel needle to inject massive jolts of morphine or procaine and we can be full on Fahrenheit 451
Military Application for privately owned Spots:

"Attention User: Your Spot-Mini has now been conscripted. Please stand down."
Can we get them with "Evil Red LED" eyes? Because I think that's necessary.
It's kinda cute; so as long as they give it a synth-sound out-put (a la R2D2, basic robo-hound) instead of a human voice, I want one!

Then again, an ED-209 voice for patrol mode is perfect!

Come back when they've got Jurassic Park-style velociraptors...
Well the day you get one on the work bench for "testing" drop me a line. I paid my way through University of Delaware as a hunting and trapping guide so I have several old bear traps and a pile of smaller ones just for effect. Just wanting to donate to science.