Just bought a Neo2 Platinum...what should i know about it?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 2, 2004
Hey I just bought a Neo2 from a guy on the forums to replace my AV8 3rd-Eye and its broken AGP lock...The reason I bought it is to bring my overclock to what my componants are capable of, which is ~290...

I just wanted to know what should i be aware of to OC this board? So far i have gathered:

Use only SATA 3 and SATA 4
Use the 2 closest DIMM slots to teh CPU

I wanted to know what bios is the best to use (specifically for overclocking), and what are the best settings to use...things of that nature.

And for those of you with TCCD and TCC5, what kinds of clocks and timings are you getting, and will i need to get an OCZ DDR Booster?

Thanks alot.

also, ive heard alot of people say "use the 2 closest DIMMS to the cpu...does this mean the same color set closest to the CPU, the green, or does this mobo use 2 different colors for dual channel?
HighwayAssassins said:

also, ive heard alot of people say "use the 2 closest DIMMS to the cpu...does this mean the same color set closest to the CPU, the green, or does this mobo use 2 different colors for dual channel?

It means "the 2 closest DIMMs to the cpu" the board's dual channel is not color coordinated like on most.
Strykar said:
It means "the 2 closest DIMMs to the cpu" the board's dual channel is not color coordinated like on most.

Yeah when people look at my board they think I have my memory in the wrong slots!
Jokes on them I guess.
Definately visit this site - http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43033

Also make sure you are aware of the hidden bios settings -

TIP: In the bios press and hold Shift+F2 and then press ALT+F3 to unlock "hidden" features within the BIOS.

Basically this boards bios overclocks your AGP card by default unless you disable that in the bios. If your overclocking your GPU from windows then you don't really want the bios setting interferring with your results.
Roach said:
1.41mod has given me the best clocks. My TCCD has been up to 320 but I'm limited by the cpu at the moment. Oh yeah, and disable "nv/ati speed up"

There are SOO many bioses...how do you know where to start and how did you come across the 1.41?

and have you tried "1btccdrev2.rar"? Its right at the top of the beta bioses suggesting most recent and it says there is a "TCCD" Edition...
Actually I just noticed the new one based off of the 1.C from the guys site. The 1b one didn't prove to be much of a success for me but you never know. I'll let you know in a little while.

Edit - Nothing, I tried both the Standard and the TCCD version. Niether of them showed any improvement, infact both wouldn't even post at 8x300: my standard operating speed.
Stoly said:
does your 3000+ top at 2.4 ghz? is it venice core?
nono, this CPU is great, 2.6 easy, I can also get 2.7+, but the mobo i have in here has a broken AGP lock, so in games over 250 really crashes the computer...hence the new mobo ;)

But it is a Venice.
Actually I was asking roach :p

Anyway, with some bios AGP won't lock, my previous BIOS 1.8 o 1.9 I don't remember, AGP was locked at 66mhz, but with 1.b you need to set AGP to 67mhz for it to lock.
Its a Winchester and it taps out at around 2.65Ghz. There seems to be another problem, the 1.c bios seems to have killed my nForce networking Controller. Everytime I tried to set the MAC to Pin Strap it wouldn't saved the setting... so I flashed back to the 1.4b1, reset the cmos, pulled the battery, nothing seems to work. It will either fail to aquire an IP address or flatout cause a bluescreen while trying to aquire one.

I'd suggest staying away from the bios.
Roach said:
Its a Winchester and it taps out at around 2.65Ghz. There seems to be another problem, the 1.c bios seems to have killed my nForce networking Controller. Everytime I tried to set the MAC to Pin Strap it wouldn't saved the setting... so I flashed back to the 1.4b1, reset the cmos, pulled the battery, nothing seems to work. It will either fail to aquire an IP address or flatout cause a bluescreen while trying to aquire one.

I'd suggest staying away from the bios.

Solution could be to reflash the bios with the additional flags of


where xxxxxxxxxxxx is the origonal MAC address which, can be found on a sticker on top of the motherboard's parallel port block or somewhere around there!

awfl833d.exe w7025nms.xxx /py/nvmac:xxxxxxxxxxxx /wb

This is all explained in the help files for the flasher - you can
access these by typing awfl833d.exe /help at the DOS prompt.
This question is off the topic.I'm thinking of getting the MSI K8N NEO2 Platinum.And I have heard the is a problem with the mb and 6800 series video cards.But I see all you have that series card.Anyone have a problem with the two?Because I have been told not to get it.I have a 6800 ultra card.And I am going to buy a 3700+ AMD cpu. And a gig of Patriot 1GB (2 x 512MB) DDR 600 (PC 4800) Dual Channel to go with it.Sorry about changing the topic.Thanks for your help.
P.S.Where can I get a MSI NEO2 Platinum.I can't find any.All I can find is the K8N NEO2-f.Is it the same except for the not having the extra lan connection and no firewire?And again thank you for your help. :)
I've read the threads about 6800 and nforce3 but I've had zero problems with the neo2 and my 6800GT. I assume that newer chipset/videocard drivers solved the issues by the time I got mine.

I would save a couple of bucks a get a 3500 or even 3200 (I have a 3000+ @2.5ghz) and do some serious overclocking. If that's not your thing then the 3700+ is a good buy. Also the A64 doesn't benefit that much from faster memory compared to the Athlon XP and P4. DDR 500 should be more than enough. I think I'd rather get a 3800 X2 and somewhat cheaper memory.

Nforce3 boards are being discontinued and are quite hard to get now. I got mine from new egg about 5 months ago, its refurbished, actually.