Juniper SSG-5-SH 256MB info

Mar 15, 2002
I just sold my Fortigate 50A I've had at home for a couple of years recently and wanted to get something comparable for the house to mess around with. Never used Juniper stuff before so I just wanted to ask what you guys thought of the SSG-5-SH 256MB. Noticed these things on Ebay and I was just wondering. They any good? Worth it to get? Any thoughts? Or what about an ASA?
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The juniper can do more stuff than the ASA, like content filtering.

It has perhaps a better user interface, since i assume you'll be using a GUI.
Arn't they subscription based tho ? Can only use certian features if the unit is activated etc etc ?
Yes, you'd have to get a subscription for any of the UTM features.

The ASA can do an SSL VPN, the juniper cannot.