Judge Allows Massachusetts to Sue Equifax

Equifax is a private company that leaked all the data. Just... all the data. When was the last time you heard the government lost info about your Social Security or your drivers license? Equifax don't care about security because cheap Indian IT is cheap. For the government the idea of losing Social Security is basically making it damn near useless. And unlike other countries, we use SS as a means of identifying you, besides the drivers license. Which coincidentally was also lost to Equifax.

Also think about what does Equifax lose out of all this, besides their name? It also sounds like nobody has the right to sue Equifax. There doesn't seem to be enough incentives for Equifax to get better security. Google doesn't have this problem cause the incentive is making money off security. There's no money to be had with good security with Equifax, and therefore no incentive.
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Here let me google that hack that personally affected me and many people I know. NEXT!