Joystick support in modern pc games (lack thereof)


Oct 14, 2016
Some time ago I bought a new joystick for use in the game Just Cause. I couldn't get it working. I later tried to use it in Far Cry5. Again, no luck. I wanted to use a joystick in those games because those games have vehicles that may be more controllable using a joystick. It seems that modern pc games do support controllers but no joysticks. Does anybody know why that is? Or am I missing something and they are still supported.
You can try joy2key, but I dont know how well it works, I think it just binds a keypress to an axis, so doubt theres stop/walk/jog/run based on stick position, its stop/run when you move stick. Same with a car - its not a gas pedal, its either full throttle or no throttle.
I have never played a game where I wnted to use a joystick instead of a gamepad or keyboard that doesnt support it.
Yeah, outside of flight sims no one really bothers with joysticks. Using Just Cause as an example, Gamepad is enough given none of the flight controls are analog based outside of movement (which left stick does well enough).