Is there a way to limit bandwidth for 1 min and then allow max bandwidth the next min


[H]F Junkie
Jan 16, 2005
My question is: Is there a way to limit bandwidth for 1 min and then increase bandwidth to maximum for 1 min? The reason I ask is that I have comcast, and comcast has a powerboost feature that allows a great burst of speed for about 1 min and then lowers it back to your normal speed forever how long it takes to download what you are downloading.

So when I'm downloading something I will be downloading at 2400kB/s at the start and then my speed will drop down to my normal speed of 1080kB/s after about a minute. I found that if I cap my bandwidth at 900kB/s and leave it there for 1 min and then release the cap I will get the 2400kB/s for 1 more min before it goes back to normal speed, I can do this over and over but I have to be at my pc constantly adjusting the bandwidth.

So is there some software that will automatically cap and then uncap my bandwidth?
sorry, but I'm not sure this question is allowed by forum rules

How so? I'm not breaking any terms of service, just creative use of their powerboost feature. This feature will naturally do this if you are downloading a bunch of little files because you cap and then uncap in between files.
You shall ensure that your bandwidth consumption using the Service does not exceed the limitations that are now in effect or may be established in the future.

Found that, which I guess could make this agains't the tos but since the powerboost is a feature they put in themselves I'm not to sure. So if it is against the ToS then let this post die.

On a side note many people would be breaking this part of the ToS:
post, store, send, transmit, or disseminate any information or material which a reasonable person could deem to be objectionable, offensive, indecent, pornographic, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, distressing, vulgar, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or otherwise inappropriate, regardless of whether this material or its dissemination is unlawful;

Thought it was kind of funny, that involves alot of stuff that is on the internet.