Iran to Create its Own Internet

Honestly at the rate our government is going it wouldn't surprise me at all if the us government did the same thing in the near future. if the Protect IP act is passed sites which promote piracy will be erased from the internet, but who's to say that eventually anything that the government doesn't agree with won't be erased from the internet as well. It's a pity that the iranian government is taking steps backwards instead of going forward but our government and many others could one day do the same thing. Freedom is a privilege/right that many take for granted but with the government taking away/treading on many of our rights who's to say that we won't have to worry about the same thing happening here or else where. Just because we fought for our freedom doesn't mean the government won't take it away from us if they deem it necessary to do so.
Fuck them, Just means less traffic on the real internet and definately less bullshit to put up with.
This might be a good thing. You could cut out some of the crappy sites. I mean, imagine an internet without anandtech and facebook... will the US hack into their nuclear weapons producing reactor plants then? I guess we could do it the old fashioned way next time...just drop a few bombs on the plants.
With all this talk of national intranets and internet filtering, we can't help but feel bad that others do not have full access to the internet as most developed nations do... but it begs the question: If out internet was being filtered, would we even know it???

Ignorance is bliss.
This is what happens when you allow a few idiots to grab all the power. Remember this going forward. It will happen if you let it.

Iran does not want or deserve their current situation. I grew up with a guy whose family defected when the revolution took over. They were as cool and friendly a group of folks as you could want. They hated what their country had become and were very sad about it.
now the good peoples of Iran can hit up BurkaBook.rn after they get some new toras on Nile.rn. Get some torch and cooking fire OC news on HardSharia.rn. you get it.
I guess when they do it there really will be "rumors on the internets", plural.
NO!!!!! Persian women are hot! We must invade Iran and save all the hot Persian womenz!!
I wonder if at some point it will connect with North Korea's network (if they have one... )

Then they can be Iranbook friends and mull over how to properly blow up the world while playing Mullaville.
It shall be called "IranNet" as they are rejecting all outside influences of the free world, Intranet, and internet, are free world terms.
You never know, maybe they'll just "Iranize" everything. Like going to will redirect to ++++++++++ will redirect to and have pictures of Iranian transformers hugging.
And Iran. Iran so far away.


Hey guys, guess what song I have stuck in my head...


One of my best friends a few years ago family fled Iran after the revolution. Iran lost a lot of professionals and educated people...

I waffle on my opinion of democracy, it is far to easy to turn into a tyranny of the majority. Theocracies may be fine for that part of the population that wants and believes, but it's crap for those that don't.

However, Iran building their own network and cutting off from the outside world seems to be similar to when the Nazis tried to abandon/repress all of what they considered Jew science and education. Himmler wasted massive resources on total crap, and set the Germans back decades in the education of their children, scientists and researchers. Germany went from being nearly the science center of the world, to being a backwater in a decade.
I wonder if anyone has relayed the message to them that they Internet is really a series of tubes? It's not a truck where you can just dump things.
I for one am for this.

Since there are no gay people in Iran, sifting through porn would be a breeze.

ankle porn?

kind of defeats the entire point of the interwebs if you are going to run it in only your country
I guess it takes a story like this to wake people up and have them appreciate the lives they have here.

Just because we have more freedom and rights here does not mean our governments are wonderful angels with halos over their heads.