iPod, iMac, iBook, Power Mac, eMac...Have some questions!!!

Oct 23, 2002
Hey there...OK...I am not a Mac person but I am being forced against my will to take an Intro to Mac course...it is a prerequisite...I am a Windows person...always have been and always will be...these questions will prolly sound idiotic but oh well...I don't know much about Macs...only Mac I've worked with are the Apple IIGS and the Macs at my old high school...so this is what I understand about the different forms of Macs:

iPod - It's like a Palm Pilot
iBook - It's like a laptop
iMac - Not quite sure...I didn't see any case tho
Power Mac - Not quite sure...but it has a case
eMac - Not quite sure...looks like it's the same as an iMac but it looks different

OK...now first of all what is the difference between an iMac, a Power Mac, and an eMac???

Are there any other kinds of Macs??? What kind of OS's do Macs use??? Like for Windows there was Win 3.1, Win 95, Win 98, Win ME, Win 2K Home/Pro, Win XP Home/Pro...it's like a single line of OS's...but like Linux there are many different kinds of them I think...I dunno about Linux's...don't wanna mess with them...my head woulld implode

So is there a line of OS's for Macs or do they use different kinds or forms of OS's...the only recent OS I know for Macs is the OS X

Now is it pronounced OS "ex" or "ten"...I know it stands for the roman numeral ten but do ppl say it as ten or as ex???

I get around Windows very well and quickly by memorizing shortcut commands (i.e.: Ctrl-C, WinKey-Break, Ctrl-Shift-Esc, Ctrl-Alt-Delete)...where would I find a basic or extensive list of useful everyday shortcut keys that I can start memorizing and start using??? I know they're in the book but they're all scattered throughout the chapters...I wanna have them all right there on one page right in front of me so I can print them out...

Well...that's all the questions I can think of right now...THANX
C'YA ?:-D

P.S.: I hate Macs...WINDOWS F0R3V3R!!!
iPod: MP3 player... not a organizer
iBook: it IS a laptop... it's not like one
iMac: All in one computer with a monitor. Now with LCD screens
eMac: All in one computer with a 17" screen. Was first targeted for education customers... hint the e.
Powermac: Desktop platform.

If you head on over to apple.com you can see all the differences. All of the info you will need about their hardware is on their website.

The mac OS...They use their own OS... You can put other OS's on them but here is the mac os line...
OS 6
OS 7
OS 8
OS 9
OS 10 (Cheetah)
OS 10.1 (Puma)
OS 10.2 (Jaguar)
OS 10.3 (Panther)

For shortcuts the ones you will be interested in will be listed next to the commands in the menus... I can't help you with a site that will have these listed... you might try to use google.

It's too bad that you hate macs so much. If you gave them a chance you might find them to be useful productive machines that have come a long way since the Apple IIGS.
Even for us that use both platforms rather extensively on a daily basis, that last line of yours really makes me want to help you.
Anyone that says "windows forever" obviously needs help, because it's more like windows for an hour or until I get my next BSOD(not that MacOS has been any better).
PowerMac's are what Apple called their desktop line after they started using PowerPC, and before B&W G3. They were identified by their chassis and processor speed such as PowerMac 6100/100.
PowerPC is the platform. Like x86 is the paltform of your machine.
There are BSD and Linux ports for mac, and they work quite well.
MacOS shortcut keys and windows shorcut keys are pretty similar most of the time. You just use the command key(the one with the apple on it) instead of control.
+C = copy
+V = paste
+X = cut
+Z = undo
+[Tab] = cycle window (os 8.1 and later)
+[Del] = delete selected file
+[Shift]+[Del] = empty trash(os 9 and later)
+[option]+[escape] = mac equivalent to [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]

One last thing…
How can anyone say they hate something that they obviously have no clue about? That's like saying you hate music when you've never heard it.
Guys, consider posting the meat of your posts in the FAQ thread for future questions such as these. :)
Originally posted by NewBlackDak
Anyone that says "windows forever" obviously needs help, because it's more like windows for an hour or until I get my next BSOD

Ever since I installed Windows XP I have NEVER gotten a BSOD...I HAVE gotten a few crashes but other programs had failed and it was the programs fault that it made Windows crash...but I have never had any BSOD's on XP...XP is MUCH more stable than any other Windows OS that I have worked with...can't wait for Longhorn...I hoe they've impproved the stability even more

The funniest thing I have seen Macs do is this: I've seen them eject their CD-ROM'S for no reason at all...I bet I've seen it about 15 times on different machines...it's as if it was sticking its tounge out at me (or whoever was using it)...LOL

C'YA ?:-D
1) go to www.apple.com, read what they say about the products, read product reviews, etc.
2) what kind of school do you go to that they make you take any introduction to computers class?

as for the issue with the eject key, one would think that someone with your computing experience would know to not troll
It's OS Ten....

As for the eject thing... I bet it was a prank. I have never seen a Mac do this unprovoked and I have used macs since the IIci era...

I bet it was someone who had access to the machine... I used to do this to my class/house mates as a prank to freak them out... of course I always added fun messages on screen as well :p

As for several machines I say BS. It is really hard to answer your questions because you are so narrowminded. Since you hate the platform so much, why don't you quit being interested and just go drudge through the class and then bitch at the end and just stick to your windows based platform.
Originally posted by cosmos

As for the eject thing... I bet it was a prank. I have never seen a Mac do this unprovoked and I have used macs since the IIci era...

I have seen a couple systems do this, but they had some considerable corruption to the OS. Those weren't pranks.

It's still OS eks as far as i'm concerned ;)
I just think it's wrong to judge a platform by school computers...
The only good computer at school I have used just had word and a internet browser on them and were locked down.

Interesting, I've never seen macs do them by themselves .. but then again all the macs I have been around were always maintained sometimes.
Originally posted by cosmos
I just think it's wrong to judge a platform by school computers...
The only good computer at school I have used just had word and a internet browser on them and were locked down.

Interesting, I've never seen macs do them by themselves .. but then again all the macs I have been around were always maintained sometimes.

I agree, school platforms (or any public ones) tend to be a bad way to judge, PC or Mac they tend to be a mess.

Although judging based on a system with odd software or bad hardware doesn't help either and this is a problem with people judging windows systems incorrectly.

"always maintained sometimes. " I've had moments of brilliance like that.
lol, i've been up for way too long... I meant periodical maintnence. I meant that the machines were on some sort of maintnence schedule; either weekly or even bi monthly
The macs at my high school sucked. Slow, bloated, and old. But you know what? The PC's were EXACTLY the same. All schools are like this. Their computers are by dozens of students a day, they're going to get messed up rather easily. It's not mac or PC thing if the ones at your school are fucked up.

I call it OSX. I think it sounds nicer. But, to each their own.

Also, don't mean to troll or anything, but couldn't all of your posts just have been one post instead? It seems 50% of the three posts you've posted so far were all the same explaining your situation.

P.S. It's hard to take anyone seriously when they replace e's with 3's.
I say OS Ten... :p

But anyway... anyone saying "Windows forever" is DEFINITELY in need of professional help, and FAST! And anyone who thinks XP is a good system is in need of a bullet to the head, even faster! I've been using XP almost exclusivly for about a week now... I've been LOOKING for good things about it, but so far, it's worse than Mac OS X in every single way.

The funniest thing I have seen Macs do is this: I've seen them eject their CD-ROM'S for no reason at all...I bet I've seen it about 15 times on different machines...it's as if it was sticking its tounge out at me (or whoever was using it)...LOL

Never seen that happen... it happened all the time on the PCs at school, however, what with WinNuke and all.
Originally posted by mpeg4v3

I call it OSX. I think it sounds nicer. But, to each their own.

Actually, I do too. :) But I might start saying OS Ekkkks just to bug a few of the macaholics I know.
Just to point a few things out.

First there was never a Windows 2000 Home it was only Windows 2000 professional, and almost always markted to the business community.

Secondly saying that you need help if you like windows is really rather bad. Both Mac and Windows has its place. Windows is more for gaming and enthusist since it allows much much more direct customization of it's enviroment, this is commonly refered to as "complicated and not streamlined" by Mac users.

Secondly any BSOD's that you get on XP these days are due to hardware issues, I've only recieved them when my ram went bad, or the sound card went out, otherwise XP is reasonable stable provided you don't tweak it and remove stuff like services when you don't know what you are doing.

Thirdly, educational systems no matter on Mac or Windows suck. I ran a High School's network, it was reasonablely streamlined but I can't stop the abuse the computers get, so you can't judge a platform by its corporate or educational deployment, for what I have seen when doing work for Small businesses usually alot of the consulting firms set up the systems wrong in the first place hoping I would assume for more future business.

Finally, you can bash windows all you want, but when SP2 comes out alot of the adware/spyware and popup problems will be gone with the upgrade. Due to better security and pop up blocking.

Now this isn't a Mac troll/bash, I'm just getting so sick and tired of people bashing windows. I'm really considering using a Powerbook as soon as Rev. C. comes out for my laptop, but its hard to when all I see on forums is windows bashing, and if you I were to post something like this I'm a troll. But I'm not and I've always done a nice job here helping people.

Be a little open minded, geeze. Mac OSX isn't the best thing since slice bread, and niether is XP. For all the things you talk about against XP it does a surprisingly good job running on all the different types of hardware there are out there.

Macs have just as many problems as XP, just none will admit them or care about them.
I agree, you wouldn't believe the reactions I get from the Mac and Windows people when I'm teaching them to use the other system and they find it doesn't crash any more or less than what they're used to, or that it has its own stupid quirks.

The classes I teach are imaging, where traditionally macs have held a strongpoint. This makes an interesting challenge because some people know that's not true any more and others would like to fight over it. Of course all of them ask me what to do when their system dies or has trouble. I haven't had a chance to look at it yet but one kids dual 2ghz G5 accumulate almost 120 gigs of error files since he got it (end of summer). That's a more simple issue, but the myths that go around make my job harder.
Macs have just as many problems as XP, just none will admit them or care about them.

Only problems I've had with a Mac since OSX came out has been because of beta software and such... And it should be mentioned that I've treated my System pretty roughly; tweaking just about everything. With a very clean WinXP systems, I had more problems in a week than in two years with Mac OS X, and none of them were because of me. RAM leaks, odd lagging, unresponsive system etc etc. And one crash, actually.
Originally posted by Black Morty Rackham
Only problems I've had with a Mac since OSX came out has been because of beta software and such... And it should be mentioned that I've treated my System pretty roughly; tweaking just about everything. With a very clean WinXP systems, I had more problems in a week than in two years with Mac OS X, and none of them were because of me. RAM leaks, odd lagging, unresponsive system etc etc. And one crash, actually.

A clean XP system? How many have you tried? How sure are you that it was clean, running good hardware and no junk software? Sounds like bad luck to me. If I based my mac experience on just one mac, I could draw the same gross generalization as you have. It works in both directions and I've seen some pretty bad examples of each.
My XP experience has been nothing but stellar. Same goes for OS X.

So I have a hard time understanding when someone says:
I had more problems in a week than in two years with Mac OS X, and none of them were because of me. RAM leaks, odd lagging, unresponsive system etc etc. And one crash, actually.
- I begin to wonder.
In my experience with computers problems can be generally summed up like this...

"Windows XP sucks (or insert OS of choice) because I got this computer from Wal-Mart (or insert cheapo store of choice) and have had nothing but problems with it"

In a nutshell it's generally the dumbass user that doesn't have the first clue about computers screwing stuff up on an already POS system and doesn't know so they blame the OS, of course this same dumbass can do the same thing to Apple's, personally it's because of those people that you should have to have a license to buy computers or at least a license to have kids which would probably have prevented this scenario as well.
Originally posted by fibroptikl
My XP experience has been nothing but stellar. Same goes for OS X.

Exactly the same for me, my good fortunes began with Win 2k, and OS X and XP came and continued the trend.
Originally posted by emorphien
I haven't had a chance to look at it yet but one kids dual 2ghz G5 accumulate almost 120 gigs of error files since he got it (end of summer). That's a more simple issue, but the myths that go around make my job harder.

now that sounds off to me...I have yet to see error files (from the OS) that were anywhere near that size and that would use most of their drive for errors.....I would wonder
Originally posted by gigglebyte
now that sounds off to me...I have yet to see error files (from the OS) that were anywhere near that size and that would use most of their drive for errors.....I would wonder

I've been wondering too. I haven't had a chance yet to look at it and he doesnt really know what it's coming from (he's not too good with comps), but there are several files some as large as 30 or 40 gigs. I'm quite impressed to say the least. :p
i admin a school computer lab few years ago and i cant stop all the students abusing the computers everyday! (screw it, its still windows 95) end up i have to re-install 5 machines everyday(now norton ghost helps a lot :p)
Dude you need to learn how to edit the registry or use policy editor, so they can't do anything you don't want them to.

ANY machine/OS that has a goober(or someone who thinks they know, but doesn't) tinkering on it will get fubar once in awhile. School machines, and work machines have this problem, unless you do what I do. Everyone has their own login. They can't open the control panel at all in windows, and have no access to change anything in OS X. They logon, and get their home dir from a server, and cannot navigate outside of it. You don't install anything, you run the company approved screen-saver, and have the company approved desktop. If they manage to screw something up(highly unlikely) then salvage the important files, and restore a generic user folder. Easy as pie!!