iOS 13 Public Beta


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2004
That time of the year again, the Public Beta program for iOS/iPadOS/TVOS 13 is open.

Anybody else giving it a try. :)

Developer Beta 8 - 8/21
Developer Beta 7 - 8/15
Developer Beta 6 - 8/7
Developer Beta 5 - 7/29
Developer Beta 4 - 7/17
Developer Beta 3 - 7/1
Developer Beta 2 - 6/17
Developer Beta 1 - 6/5

Public Beta 7 - 8/21
Public Beta 6 - 8/15
Public Beta 5 - 8/8
Public Beta 4 - 7/30
Public Beta 3 - 7/18
Public Beta 2 - 7/8
Public Beta 1 - 6/24

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I'll probably sign up.
OK well, I signed up, here goes nothing.

Everything seems to run very well so far, Face ID unlocks much quicker. Dark mode looks great. Had a few issues with the slow motion option not appearing on the camera, but a reboot of the iPhone brought it back. The swipe keyboard is nice, works really well. So far I haven’t had any bugs that would make using iOS 13 public beta an issue. Enrolled my iPad Pro for iPadOS 13 also.
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I feel like the speed improvements of FaceID are because they sped up the little animation during unlocks.

I've noticed a few UI bugs here and there that have required apps to be force-closed.

I have an iPhone XR, it's strange to all of a sudden have most if not all of the 3D Touch menus/functions available.
My calculator app doesn’t resize correctly when going from scientific back to normal, it’s kind of squeezed left to right lol
I accidentally discovered that the Settings app now works in landscape orientation on my XR. That was reserved for the Plus and Max models.
Nice! I have the Xs Max and didn’t realize that the settings app will do landscape, like the iPad.
I may end up trying iPadOS on my older Pro at home. My phone though I do too much work on it to Beta it.
Couple days in to running the public beta now. My biggest struggles are the bugs in the Mail app that require a force close.

Running Dark Mode full time. It’s just as amazing as I thought it was going to be.
Yeah. I’ve been on it since Monday. Found some issues with SwiftKey. Issues with messages displaying the hamburger menu duplicated at the top of the app. Emby app is wonky as F. But otherwise entirely useable as a daily driver. The issues are just annoyances, not show stoppers. Dark mode is the f’n t*ts!
I installed it and had to revert back to 12. Everything worked great except for Zoom. Not Apples fault at all, but its an app I use every day and cant have break.

I loved the dark mode and honestly the best feature that I miss already is the toggle that sends unknown numbers not in my contacts directly to voicemail.
This is the first public beta I’ve ever installed. Usually I would much rather have the stability over the features. This has definitely proved me right.

There is a bunch of stuff that is broken. Stuff that normally just works is buggy. The software polish that will take place between now and September is unbelievable. Because I know it won’t be anything like this by that point. For reference, my widgets are all basically non responsive. Tapping on a lot of stuff in apps is broken. Apps like YouTube crash all the time. Stuff that I just wouldn’t expect.

In any case, other than bugs, dark mode is great. I love all the small changes like the new volume notification. Getting access to Taptic touch on everything is cool. 13 is going to be killer once it’s done. But by beta they really mean beta.
This is the first public beta I’ve ever installed. Usually I would much rather have the stability over the features. This has definitely proved me right.

There is a bunch of stuff that is broken. Stuff that normally just works is buggy. The software polish that will take place between now and September is unbelievable. Because I know it won’t be anything like this by that point. For reference, my widgets are all basically non responsive. Tapping on a lot of stuff in apps is broken. Apps like YouTube crash all the time. Stuff that I just wouldn’t expect.

In any case, other than bugs, dark mode is great. I love all the small changes like the new volume notification. Getting access to Taptic touch on everything is cool. 13 is going to be killer once it’s done. But by beta they really mean beta.

I know not everyone will have the same experience with it, but that is nearly the complete opposite experience I’ve had so far.

I’ve had a few bugs and glitches here and there. But I haven’t had any crashes yet, and with over 100 apps installed they’re all working so far. My biggest problem app is the built in Mail app right now.

I’ve been running The major release betas since iOS7 and this one has been one of the more stable early betas so far.
I know not everyone will have the same experience with it, but that is nearly the complete opposite experience I’ve had so far.

I’ve had a few bugs and glitches here and there. But I haven’t had any crashes yet, and with over 100 apps installed they’re all working so far. My biggest problem app is the built in Mail app right now.

I’ve been running The major release betas since iOS7 and this one has been one of the more stable early betas so far.

I had a great experience too. If it wasn’t for a single app that had issues with, id still be using it. I didn’t really find any bugs in the system itself.
I had a great experience too. If it wasn’t for a single app that had issues with, id still be using it. I didn’t really find any bugs in the system itself.

Maybe things will change in Public Beta 2, or maybe the app will be updated soon.
One thing I really don’t like is how they replaced the Updates tab in the App Store with the Apple Arcade section. Really don’t like how their pushing their services like Apple Music/News/Arcade lately.
One thing I really don’t like is how they replaced the Updates tab in the App Store with the Apple Arcade section. Really don’t like how their pushing their services like Apple Music/News/Arcade lately.

I’m not a fan either. Especially since I tried out Apple Music, and News+ and really didn’t like either. Music was ok but I HATED how it messed with my local library. I’d go to play a song that I owned and was already on my phone to find a live or acoustic version, even though it was part of an album that I already have. I don’t like their lack of suggestions or pandora like radio either. Spotify has made some huge improvements lately with this. For instance I can make a playlist called 90s alt, add a dozen songs, and it’s smart enough to suggest other 90s alt music. Not just alt music in general or alt music from the 80s. With New+, I was extremely excited since I am a big magazine reader. They have about a dozen magazines that I read every month. It was a no brained win for me. I fired up the free trial and subscribed to those 12 or so magazines and then realized that even though I was subscribed to them, they were near impossible to find. There was no “subscribed to” list and the only list they had “for me” were about 10 magazines that I didn’t want to read with a couple of my subscriptions at the bottom of the list. I subscribed to a retro gaming magazine. If I wanted to read if I had to go through the categories and scroll all the way down until I found it. Complete garbage.
Finally found an app that crashes on iOS 13. The AirPort Utility for managing Apple Time Capsules crashes every time I try to log into my parents AirPort.
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Developer Beta 3 is out. Hopefully that means the new Public one will be out tomorrow.
Had a funny and kinda embarassing bug pop up last night while on a conference call for work.

I was reading an email while muted on a phone call. The Mail app started having problems (common one I've been having) and I needed to force close and re-open the app. While I was force closing, I accidentally force closed the Phone app. My call stayed connected and muted, but I was no longer able to access the menu/window that allowed me to un-mute the call or even hang up!

I ended up having to shutdown and restart my phone to hang up the call.
If there is one thing that I wish apple would change would be to give a number indicator for separate volumes.
Maybe when I am at work I would like my notification volume to be at max (let's say #100), ring volume at 50, media volume at 10 in case my brother sends me something totally inappropriate for work, etc, etc, etc...
ios 12 on my wifes iphone 6s has random hangs.. I have tried everything .. updates, resets, etc.. Phone is still under warranty... If Apple could just get 12 right then maybe I would go 13 when it is released .. but ya know the Apple "EcoSystem" is all about you buying new phones and separating you from your money with each new iOS major release. It even isn't planned obsolescence as much as it is smarmy and deceptive business practices.
ios 12 on my wifes iphone 6s has random hangs.. I have tried everything .. updates, resets, etc.. Phone is still under warranty... If Apple could just get 12 right then maybe I would go 13 when it is released .. but ya know the Apple "EcoSystem" is all about you buying new phones and separating you from your money with each new iOS major release. It even isn't planned obsolescence as much as it is smarmy and deceptive business practices.

If you don't like Apple, don't buy their products.
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Biggest regret I've got so far is joining the beta on my 6S. Battery life is terrible (and I really do mean terrible), it forgets that I've got a battery case on (and an Apple one, at that!) when I charge, or just seemingly at random, iMessage freezes constantly and lots of UI elements go black or disappear. App store likes to sometimes not be able to download an update. Screen rotation fails quite a bit (notice the same on iPad with iPad OS beta). I've submitted as much feedback as I can, I hope it all gets straightened out by release. Couple with absolutely atrocious Verizon service as of this year... been a great beta for me.
Biggest regret I've got so far is joining the beta on my 6S. Battery life is terrible (and I really do mean terrible), it forgets that I've got a battery case on (and an Apple one, at that!) when I charge, or just seemingly at random, iMessage freezes constantly and lots of UI elements go black or disappear. App store likes to sometimes not be able to download an update. Screen rotation fails quite a bit (notice the same on iPad with iPad OS beta). I've submitted as much feedback as I can, I hope it all gets straightened out by release. Couple with absolutely atrocious Verizon service as of this year... been a great beta for me.

You can get rid of your token and go back to iOS 12. But to be clear, this isn't surprising. By beta they do mean beta. There are tons of things that are broken for me too, and I'm on the latest hardware (well until September anyway...)
For older devices that are nearing EOL, I would probably not even upgrade until at least 1, but more than likely 2 point releases. Usually optimization for older devices is deprioritized. That's more or less what I was doing on my 6S+ as iOS12 and iOS11 were released. It's definitely better to be patient with all tech.
Mail is behaving much better now, I can download attachments again and emails actually load using public beta 3.
Mines been better but not perfect. Doesn’t crash anymore, but still has some quirks when refreshing.
Yes I agree, still not perfect, definitely needs more work. I still get read emails that won’t get marked as read and when they do the mail app still shows unread emails.
For some reason Feedly doesn’t load now in beta 3. I guess I’ll try redownloading it.

Edit: that fixed it.

I should note though that the Sony Imaging Mobile app hasn’t ever worked though. At least specifically to transfer files via WiFi.
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So after a weekish of using Public Beta 3, the Mail app is still very much broken.
So after a weekish of using Public Beta 3, the Mail app is still very much broken.

Interesting. What problems are you having? I have 3 accounts in mail and haven’t noticed any problems. But I don’t do anything complicated with the mail app.
I have 2 accounts setup.

Unread message counts are all screwed up. Won’t mark messages as read. New messages come in, but there is a blank slot for it when listing messages.
I have 2 accounts setup.

Unread message counts are all screwed up. Won’t mark messages as read. New messages come in, but there is a blank slot for it when listing messages.

Weird. I'm not having those issues, but for what it's worth, I believe you. I've definitely noticed oddities from person to person regarding beta. Here in this thread, some with Beta 1 said it was perfect, and for me I had tons of weird glitches. I still do. But none of them completely break the phone.

I guess so other people also know, what device are you on?
I had the same mail issues. I couldn’t find a solution so I went back to 12.4 since email is critical for work. It’s the same issues for my exchange, office 365, gmail, and iCloud email accounts.