Internet Question theoretical download speed


Jun 21, 2004
I dunno if tahts where you post a normal internet question, but i have ordered a 3mbit line, and an we are using it with 5 ppl. Now a friend of mine came up to me today and told me 300kb/s download is really slow, he has a 2mbit line at home, and the supposedly downloads with 2mbit.. Now i told him, that would be impossible, but is it really? I mean a 56k connection only reaches up to 8kb/s download speed right? How can you find the theoretical value for your connection...
Well, the theoretical download speed of a 3 Mbps connection is 3 Mbps minus any overhead. I think your friend may be confusing bits and bytes...

300 Kb/s is slow, however 300 KB/s is not...
well u know when u download in fireofx, and it acutally says mb/s, so i dunno, i have had that once, but that was only becuase i was saving that file, so it always shows a higher download speed
If 3 Mbps is the speed of your pipe then you will be able to download at 3 Megabits per second or roughly 300 - 350 Kilobytes per second...

If his connection speed is lower than yours, as you stated then he will not be able to download faster than you and when you say bytes he may be saying bits, thus causing this confusion...
I'm sure he gets close to 2Mbit at home, but the fact of the matter is, he isnt getting 300KByte/sec speeds at home. If he is getting 300KByte/sec off the 3Mbit line, then he is doing fine when you conside that the line theoretically peaks at 387KByte/sec. I wouldn't count on seeing more than 360KByte/sec at peak. Also, firefox(or IE) is a bad example, if you are choosing where to save a file, it is downloading in the background. I only have a 1.5Mbit DSL, but I can easily make firefox show me that I can download at 2Mbytes/sec.