Internet Fire Challenge Leaves 12 Year Old Girl Horribly Burned and on a Ventilator

People intending to do stupid shit going to do stupid shit and be permanently maimed for it.

A guy in my 5th-grade class named Raymond was playing with pellet guns shooting cans full of compressed flammable whatever, and they blew up a can while he was too close, and burned his entire arm to a crisp. I think the story was they dared him to hold the can while they shot at it, or stand next to it.

He was out of school six months, and had to retake a grade. He also walked around with a spandex cover over that horribly burned arm for as long as I knew him.

There will always be those people who can be dared to do anything, and it may not end eve after this. To some it's a badge of honor. Her parents better stop enabling this kid, or the house might not be standing the next time they come home.
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I don't necessarily blame parenting in this case. By 12 pretty much everyone knows not to douse yourself in flammable liquid and light yourself on fire.

Sometimes there's just not a fix for stupid. If you haven't figured out not to light yourself on fire by 6th grade, you'll likely never learn.

By 12 people should know there's no invisible guy in the sky who dictates everything that happens on the planet.

People do and believe what they are told to by society at large.
So... how do you 'win' this challenge? What edited video have children trying this stupid crap?

Edit: Please tell me it's not that 2 second clip in the article.
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Due to Obama care, a kid can stay on their parents medical insurance until they are 26. And you wonder why 26 year olds are still acting like kids?
This comment is almost as moronic as dousing yourself in rubbing alcohol and starting yourself on fire. She was 12. Why post this shit? Why start this shit? You literally can't help yourself can you?

Edit: and that extra year of insurance is surely the reason children make horrible decisions like this? Not the fucked up state of social media and politics?
Oh well, its her own fault for being so stupid. At least it won't be passed on to any others through her genes.
By 12 people should know there's no invisible guy in the sky who dictates everything that happens on the planet.

People do and believe what they are told to by society at large.

and that doesn't stop it from being stupid.
I'm glad they're doing this stupid shit.

What dumb shit can they think of next?

Let dumbasses wipe themselves out.

Elementary schools need to start teaching common sense, cuz more and more people are not born with it.
I'm looking for people who put alcohol on their dick and lit it on fire.

disappointed can't find any.

I propose the next internet challenge.......... JUMP OFF A BUILDING CHALLENGE.
“In an apparently non-political case of imitation of Quảng Đức, the young son of an American officer based at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire. He was seriously burned before the fire was extinguished and later could only offer the explanation that "I wanted to see what it was like."”
Herp da derp kids nowadays, this happened like 45 years ago too boys.

I know I know, you just didn’t know.
of all the posts here for some reason this one annoyed me the most out of all.
its like one of those damn holier than thou vegans that cant resist relating absolutely EVERY SINGLE THING IN THE WORLD to their perceived slights.

and we are in a thread about kids setting themselves on fire.

I was taking a stab at the situation more than trying to act like holier than though vegans. Most of my posts aren't to be taken too serious anyway.
Bad behavior does not justify bad behavior. Or are you gonna be ethicly consistent and say Alex Jones, the Fire Challenge, and Snuff films should all be allowed on youtube. Just cus one of them didn't get banned doesn't mean the others didn't need to be as well. (and I like Alex Jones, he is crazy as hell but as long as you don't take his rants seriously it's quite entertaining from time to time)

I'd say treat them all the same, though I have to say snuff films should be banned as it is bad taste and is long traditionally banned as a form of public entertainment. Kind of like using the toilet, it's a private and intimate ordeal. It's YouTube's platform so whatever they want.

I'd really like something to come out of this though: an alternate of Alex where he or she is all anti-conspiracy and still act as crazy as him :)
for a sec i thought i was being RICK ROLLED !!!

this is really funny how stupid do u have to be knowing that rubbing alcohol is not flameable HELLO the word alcohol should give you a clue !! that it is !! this is as about funny as when i heard in world of tanks that the german's bomd pearl harbor !!

I was like really when the hell did this happen i always thought that japan did that i must of went to the wrong school LOL

but any who at least now the girl has super powers we can all call her the human tourch LOL FLAME ON !!!

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God you must have had a boring childhood. What young boy doesn't want to play with fire, fireworks, napalm, etc.?

Model rocket engines and nitromethane powered engines too. Many fun and explosive times. :D I think part of the problem is modern kids do lead comparatively boring lives, as do their parents. We don't have shops anymore, or even a corner in the garage, because who fixes things? Going to Walmart and replacing them is quicker and easier but we lose the chance to give our kids the experiences they need to be less gullible. Having school systems that seem designed to crush critical thinkers doesn't help either. I can remember my parents always telling me not to believe everything I read but telling my kids not to believe what they see is a tougher message to get across as it goes against human instinct. I expect it's going to take a few more object lessons like this to hammer the point home, sad as that is.
So... how do you 'win' this challenge? What edited video have children trying this stupid crap?

Edit: Please tell me it's not that 2 second clip in the article.

Waiting for someone to post it to Liveleaks. It's only a matter of time.

I'm glad they're doing this stupid shit.

What dumb shit can they think of next?

Let dumbasses wipe themselves out.

Elementary schools need to start teaching common sense, cuz more and more people are not born with it.

Unfortunately stupid people tend to breed more than smart people. Also IIRC, schools are teaching kids not to offend others and be tolerant even if it seem stupid.

I'm looking for people who put alcohol on their dick and lit it on fire.

disappointed can't find any.

I propose the next internet challenge.......... JUMP OFF A BUILDING CHALLENGE.

Well John Harvey Kellogg did convinced America to cut off the most pleasurable part of parents' sons' dicks, and put acid on girls' clits, because, you know, jerking off is a sin and cause illnesses.....
Some other parts of the world cut the foreskin off saying it makes them a man! Serious, cutting off part of your manhood to be a man!? Makes perfect sense, not.

I feel like these internet challenges are just made by Skankhunt42 for entertainment for the rest of us

Shhh, it's a mental competency test to see at what level people stop before doing bodily harm. Keep it a secret, mmkay? ;)
We don't have shops anymore, or even a corner in the garage, because who fixes things? Going to Walmart and replacing them is quicker and easier but we lose the chance to give our kids the experiences they need to be less gullible
lol - All true. I actually just put together a shop in my garage. Was being lazy for 5 or 6 years since we moved, but threw in a few peg board panels and a workstation... feels fantastic! I didn't even realize how many of my tools had "disappeared", but they got fine replacements.
New challenge: mix Bleach and Ammonia, wait for it, in your stomach. Nice!
Hey Hey Hey let's be careful. Someone did that when I was 16 at the Subway I was working at... not in the stomach. Was similar to the scene from the modern classic Joe Dirt. Not cool. not cool. And no it wasn't me!
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I'm glad they're doing this stupid shit.

What dumb shit can they think of next?

Let dumbasses wipe themselves out.
The problem with this though is that this act cost people money, no way that family is paying for her recovery anywhere close to the full cost of the medical care. Burn ward, massive plastic surgery in future, rehab? Yeah this stunt probably cost people a million bucks or more all through distribition of cost through insurance payers and/or tax payers
i propose we stabilize them, then ship them to overseas hospitals in India to recover.
Hey Hey Hey let's be careful. Someone did that when I was 16 at the Subway I was working at... not in the stomach. Was similar to the scene from the modern classic Joe Dirt. Not cool. not cool. And no it wasn't me!

somebody did that also a few years back at the nursing home my sister works at. They wanted to get the kitchen really clean for when state came in that afternoon
No it doesn't, but it's remember that the people criticizing the child here are guilty of the SAME EXACT THING.

How does that logic work? Just because I can find a story about a group of 12 year olds gang raped a small child doesn't mean that every person here has gang raped a child. 1 person doing something does not equate to everyone alive doing something.

I have never poured gas or alcohol on myself and turned myself into a human fireball. So no I have never done the exact same thing.
No it doesn't, but it's remember that the people criticizing the child here are guilty of the SAME EXACT THING.
There's a deference playing with fire burning stuff and playing with fire burning yourself. ;)

But then again I was a Boy Scout, with circular fire and knife cards...... :)