Interest in brand new 8K 80Hz CRT for 8000$?


Jul 24, 2014
EDIT it's 4K 3840x2400p@80Hz only.

Would there be any interest in a brand new 30", 16:10, 0.08 dot pitch, 400kHz horizontal, 300Hz vertical CRT for $8000? It would be capable of 8K 7680x4800 at 80Hz.

I may be able to supply this monitor soon, but nothing is certain yet.

EDIT it's 4K 3840x2400p@80Hz only.
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That sounds AMAZING!


It would be an amazing product. If the longevity was there, and I had money, I'd want that.
How would they pull that off in a 16:10 format tho? Multiple sets of tubes?
How would they pull that off in a 16:10 format tho? Multiple sets of tubes?
I remember Samsung had a 16:9 tube TV back in the day. My question is how can this even exist? No one has been working on tube tech for at least 15 years.
I remember Samsung had a 16:9 tube TV back in the day. My question is how can this even exist? No one has been working on tube tech for at least 15 years.
Yeah, good question, it's really exciting to hear.

I opened the FW900's specs for comparison/reference, and damn... Maybe it has more to do with improvements in deflection coils, alloys, switching semiconductors... AND the tubes.

Also random [H] sighting!

Zrzut ekranu 2022-04-12 160245.jpg
Would there be any interest in a brand new 30", 16:10, 0.08 dot pitch, 400kHz horizontal, 300Hz vertical CRT for $8000? It would be capable of 8K 7680x4800 at 80Hz.

I may be able to supply this monitor soon, but nothing is certain yet.
30"? No. Too small.
It will weigh massively more than my 65" OLED TV (plus cost 4x as much s the current replacement cost)

Whats the point?
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It will weigh more than my 65" OLED TV (plus cost 4x as much s the current replacement cost)

Whats the point?
There are a few people who are extremely attached to CRTs and prefer them to any newer display type.

There's an >18k post thread in this forum where they share advice about keeping their hardware working and compatible with newer GPUs (ones without VGA ports).
There are a few people who are extremely attached to CRTs and prefer them to any newer display type.

There's an >18k post thread in this forum where they share advice about keeping their hardware working and compatible with newer GPUs (ones without VGA ports).

There was almost no interest in fw900 when it was released as a last-ditch-effort by Sony! What makes you think that fifteen years later, there will be any more interest in an overpriced halo?

It's dead Jim!

Even if you resolve the vgga adapter and App compatibility issues that plaque fw900 with this new DreamSet, you still have to deal with massive weight (not seen since the Plasma days), combined with convergence issues.
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There was almost no interest in fw900 when it was released as a last-ditch-effort by Sony! What makes you think that fifteen years later, there will be any more interest in an overpriced halo?

It's dead Jim!
The niche and hipster market will be all over it. Not enough to make it worth a companies time to invest in it.
There was almost no interest in fw900 when it was released as a last-ditch-effort by Sony! What makes you think that fifteen years later, there will be any more interest in an overpriced halo?

It's dead Jim!

I'm not saying there's enough interest to make this display commercially viable. (I'm skeptical even at that $8k price that it'd break even.)
I'm not saying I'm interested in one. (I'm not.)
I'm not saying I think the manufacturing itself is feasible. (I'm dubious for the same reasons other critics have made.)

What I am saying is that there are some people who still love CRTs and really would like a newer and better alternative to trying to keep repairing increasingly elderly hardware.

Their hopes and dreams are the point of this thread.
I'm not saying there's enough interest to make this display commercially viable. (I'm skeptical even at that $8k price that it'd break even.)
I'm not saying I'm interested in one. (I'm not.)
I'm not saying I think the manufacturing itself is feasible. (I'm dubious for the same reasons other critics have made.)

What I am saying is that there are some people who still love CRTs and really would like a newer an better alternative to trying to keep repairing increasingly elderly hardware.

Who is going to make the tubes? The controller ? Will be made in some cheap Chinese factory, and then have massive convergence issues?

The only reason the FW900 looks as sexy as it did was because it had the best dot clock ever designed!

It took many years for Chinese display makers to get near the quality of western makers (most are not going to trust this one-off developer)
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Who is going to make the tubes? The controller ? Will be made in some cheap Chinese factory, and then have massive convergence issues?

The only reason the FW900 looks as sexy as it did was because it had the best dot clock ever designed!

It took many years for Chinese display makers to get near the quality of western makers (most are not going to trust this one-off developer)

As I said...

"I'm not saying I think the manufacturing itself is feasible. (I'm dubious for the same reasons other critics have made.)"
As I said...

"I'm not saying I think the manufacturing itself is feasible. (I'm dubious for the same reasons other critics have made.)"

Well, obviously

in the past I've ignored most rabidz7 threads as drug-addled trash, but at least he was reposing someone else's trash :D

the comments in that thread lend zero credence that this will actually ever happen! Just suonds like somone thought it might be nice if they could invent a new CRT around three "impossible eights" that would require DP 2.0 to drive.
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Would there be any interest in a brand new 30", 16:10, 0.08 dot pitch, 400kHz horizontal, 300Hz vertical CRT for $8000? It would be capable of 8K 7680x4800 at 80Hz.

I may be able to supply this monitor soon, but nothing is certain yet.
EDIT: If you do manufacture it and get it working, I would be happy to test/calibrate/review it and post impressions on it.
Yeah...CRT is not coming back.

I do think it's highly unlikely that Sony was counting on the $2000, sorry, $1999.99, FW900 to save CRT. Sony had a whole range below these screens, E range, G range, and maybe others. And I think those would have been more their bread and butter.

I love this screen, but when it goes I will accept that it's over.
Next generation in the 1-2-3 next year's of QD-OLED seem to make CRT return too tale, how much advantage would it have over those ?
There was almost no interest in fw900 when it was released as a last-ditch-effort by Sony! What makes you think that fifteen years later, there will be any more interest in an overpriced halo?

It's dead Jim!

Even if you resolve the vgga adapter and App compatibility issues that plaque fw900 with this new DreamSet, you still have to deal with massive weight (not seen since the Plasma days), combined with convergence issues.
I remember when they came out. It was an ultra-high end display and most people couldn't afford it. CRT's were still selling at the time, but everyone knew that the CRT's days were numbered even then. Like many enthusiasts, I didn't make the transition to LCD's for quite some time as the performance I wanted was beyond LCD's at the time. I'd have bought an FW900 if I could have afforded it at the time.
You are 10 days late for this.

Not practical. Weight, power usage, radiation, stability of the mask, all impractical.
Ya don't see it ever happening. Especially now, with OLED options starting to become plentiful and reasonably priced. This CRT would be better in some respects (higher res, no sample and hold blur), but wouldn't amount to 5x the cost better to me over the AW OLED that's out now. Motion clarity on an OLED @ 175 Hz is approaching levels of good enough to me, but yes CRT is still nice for the games where you are limited to lower Hz.

I feel like this would be a hard sell for anyone but the most die hard of enthusiasts at $2000, let alone $8k. Can CRT even handle HDR well also?
Would there be any interest in a brand new 30", 16:10, 0.08 dot pitch, 400kHz horizontal, 300Hz vertical CRT for $8000? It would be capable of 8K 7680x4800 at 80Hz.

I may be able to supply this monitor soon, but nothing is certain yet.
This was never made. Troll post.
80Hz max is no.
8K isnt ready for primetime.

You do know the math involved here, right? This is a fucking theoretical CRT we are talking abut (the only thing capping refresh rates is your bandwidth!)

You can multiply that 80Hz limit by 4 down at 4k, for 320Hz. or 1280hz at 1080p

The "80 Hz at 8K at 8KUSD" just sounds like a cute marketing gimmick, while ignoring the fact that you'd require Display port 2.0 to drive these speeds!
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The "80 Hz at 8K at 8KUSD" just sounds like a cute marketing gimmick, while ignoring the fact that you'd require Display port 2.0 to drive these speeds!
My point.
Theres a way to go yet on many fronts, especially a CRT or any display that can beat 80Hz at 8K.

I spent a lot of money on CRTs in the day, it was a difficult and late transition to LCD.
But the quality of other display types is now better than CRT in many ways and cheaper, smaller (for a given screen size), lighter, more efficient, safer + less costly to transport, more durable and more reliable.
I no longer hold out for improved CRT technology whether used at 8K or less.