Intel Releases 2016 Diversity in Technology Mid-Year Report

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Intel Corporation today released its 2016 Diversity in Technology mid-year report, which illustrates its progress in the first half of this year toward its commitment to achieve full representation of women and underrepresented minorities (URMs) in its U.S. workforce by 2020. The report shows that Intel’s hiring of underrepresented minorities is progressing in the right direction, while female representation and retention are trending positively. In addition, Intel created several new programs designed to improve retention of diverse talent and foster a culture of inclusion. For the first time, Intel has evaluated pay data across races/ethnicities achieving 99 percent pay equity for URMs, a gap that the company is working to close in second half of 2016. Intel’s diversity and inclusion goals are backed by a $300 million Diversity in Technology Initiative that includes increasing the company’s spending with diverse suppliers, investing and transforming the education pipeline, and combating online harassment.
Or they just axed 10,000 white guys...
To be replaced by visa workers from poorer nations or outright outsourced, purely for cost savings so the board can make a bigger bonus that year, under the guise of political correctness so that they can call anyone that questions their outsourcing a racist bigot.
Their workforce will end up not even being a proper reflection of this majority white country. Makes perfect sense. /s
Employees can use the WarmLine when they’re

•Lack of progression
•Lack of integration
•Job skills mismatch or no development plan
•Strained relationship with their manager

So things white people get fired for 'underrepresented people' are not just because they're female or not white. Huh.
So things others are fired for some are not just because they're female or not white.
You're not incompetent and incapable of doing the job that you were hired for, you just have a "job skills mismatch", Miss proud black female lesbian employee.

I've seen that before, where we had one employee who was transferred FIVE times, but it didn't hurt that she was part of some Professional African-American Business Women association (forget the exact name) that was complaining on her behalf, making managers afraid they'd get flack or hassled for firing her. These cases definitely happen, but I don't think are as common as the "fire five expensive white males and replace them with fifteen Indians that will still work for half as much as the total".

Outsourced workers usually have lower quality control and it takes them longer to do something, but right now Intel really doesn't have any competition except themselves. So it makes sense to just cut their costs of operation until a true competitor starts hurting their bottom line (which AMD is not).
its good to see actual good responses! Not just more dumb shit "but mah holy buk"/"you're just racist" brain dead stuff! there may be hope for some people! ;)