Intel & iBuyPower - Gulftown Giveaway Contest

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This would be awesome for a new homeowner AND a new Dad! In! :D

Being poor: :(. But hey, it's MY PLACE!

Edit: Thanks to iBuyPower and Steve and congrats to whoever wins it!
O wise and all powerful gods of the [H], please see fit for me to win this [H]oly idol of totally [H]ard awesomeness. And know that if you grant me this wish, I will forever pledge my undying allegiance to all that is of the [H]. I already do anyway, but you know what I mean. :D And if I win, I will use the idol's power to serve in our never-ending quest to convert the rest of the tech world to the way of the righteous [H], and complete our goal of world domination!
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