Intel Core i7 920 Overclocking and Heat @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Intel Core i7 920 Overclocking and Heat - We give you a quick look at overclocking the Intel Core i7 920 processor that runs at a stock speed of 2.66GHz. What do you need in terms of cooling when you bring it up to 3.8GHz with at 1.35 vCore? You are not using the stock heatsink that is for sure.

We posted a video follow-up to our ASUS P6T Deluxe motherboard review yesterday. A lot of questions were asked and we are going to follow up on those as well, but I thought that Core i7 920 overclocking and cooling posed some questions that are important enough that they be covered in their own segment. So we spent the day putting together some data on our ASUS P6T Deluxe test system and we have produced the video for you below. A supplemental chart is listed below as well.
nice review, to be honest my goal is to get a 920 and do 20x160 for 3.2ghz, that is where I am at right now, If I can get any more that would be cool.
Kyle, could you foam or something a medium/small cardboard box and place that over the test bed to demonstrate the Ultra vs Water heatsoak situation you were talking about in the video ? I and I think lots of other people might be curious to know before they buy new what exactly the difference in real world the air/water actual difference in temps might be ?
Kyle, could you foam or something a medium/small cardboard box and place that over the test bed to demonstrate the Ultra vs Water heatsoak situation you were talking about in the video ? I and I think lots of other people might be curious to know before they buy new what exactly the difference in real world the air/water actual difference in temps might be ?

There is no exact answer. The simple fact of the matter is that if you intend to air cool this thing, be prepared to be exhausting a ton of heat from your case. If you don't take anything away from this video, it should be that. You are not going to air cool a big OC on this 920 without cooling it "properly."
I agree, hence if I am going to get the 920 about 3.2ghz should be a decent clock setup.

The hair and mustache make you look pretty B.A.

anyway, i liked your point about the air cooling vs. wc and the test bench thing.

Have you ever tried IntelBurnTest?
We have used Intel Burn Test in the past, but honestly, putting a load on a CPU is no problem with the common tools that have been around for a while now. I see a lot of claims about it being "better" but I don't think I ever saw that proven. It has been a couple years since we used it, so I will DL the latest I can find and give it a run again.
Very informative video, thanks Kyle. I can't believe the temps of overclocking the 920 i7...that is just extremely hot. Seems like air cooling one of those things OC'd inside of a case during the Summer will not be so pleasant.
Holy crap.

You're talking almost 200 degrees F at full load. Stable or not, that seems really, really high. You'd need some serious airflow, not to mention a good amount of space around the case to dissipate that kind of heat.

the benefit with intel burn is that its designed to put 100% of the possible load on the CPU, not just a typical load. So theres no free resources whatsoever.

The TRUE is looking damn good right now.

Only other point is the heat still has to exit the case with air. Or temps would just keep rising. Thats why theres exhaust fans :)
Good lord. I was not expecting to see those temps. I hope Intel gets on their game as far as getting some better thermal management for i7. Other wise I can see a P4 prescott all over again.:eek:
Sweet vid, thanks Kyle for the update! That i7 sure is running hot, better have some beefy cooling if you want to FOLD 24/7 with an i7 ;)
Hey, on the plus side if you fold you no longer need a heater in your house :D

PS- I know temp =/ total BTU
Kyle, don't forget to uninstall Farcry 2...

hehe, nice note there. I wondered how you guys go around the activation limit (you get one back when you uninstall and revoke, right?) what a pain in the ass for you.
thanks for the giving us an idea of what to expect. I really wish you had your multimeter out when you did those tests though
Ya know, death metal would be a lot better if there were no singing and only music. The riffs were awesome, but the singing was distracting.
I like the video reviews. That music makes me want to log in and shred people lol:D.
Nice review video Kyle.
What type of RAM were you using? And what was the DRAM speed with your stable TRUE 3.8 setup?
What song is that at the beginning of the video!! pretty badass :D lol

great video as well. really enjoying all of them. :)
Well that video answered my questions perfectly. And still further cemented my choice to stay away from i7 for right now. Though I could use it as an excuse to finally do water cooling, if only for the CPU. Now that is a tempting excuse. Oh well, thats something to ponder next year.
I am surprised how close air cooling did to the water cooling setup.

As Kyle said, it was only so close because they use an open test platform. In a case it will be a totally different story. If you're not able to expel that kind of heat from a case, it'll only cause you to see higher temps than what Kyle's test of the Ultra showed.

Many thanks for the Cooling Following Up. I enjoyed the fact you showed so many cooling options.
It really show how important spending a little extra for cooling can make a lot of difference in temps.
I also was impressed you reminded viewers that test bench temps can be different then temps in a case.

The [H]ardOCP videos adds so much to the site, and I hope they continue for a long time to come.
It presents so much information and I feel it gives so much more information then a text only review.
how about phasechange results?
i know we are not many but i would love to se how it performs while being under a capable phasechange system. Like a modded vapochill Ls or Mach 2.
Holy crap.

You're talking almost 200 degrees F at full load. Stable or not, that seems really, really high. You'd need some serious airflow, not to mention a good amount of space around the case to dissipate that kind of heat.


Slow bake some cookies.
great video review mate cheers for that. so i assume 80c is an acceptable temp for these cpu's it seems. now to find a good case that provides good airflow
The [H]ardOCP videos adds so much to the site, and I hope they continue for a long time to come.
It presents so much information and I feel it gives so much more information then a text only review.

Totally agreed :)
If you're clever like me you might have ducts that take the heat out of the case, or you could just leave the door off and aim a fan at it.
another most excellent video, Kyle. I think I like them more than the idea of a [H]podcast that has been brought up before. Kudos good sir. Kudos.

Anyway, have I missed some [H]core benchmarks with that setup and some gaming?

BTW, your choice of music was great. and That beast of a setup is awesome with those 12GB of ram. I guess 12GB is going to be the new standard of overkill that the 8GB has been for a while.