in a budget what graphics card to get under 200


Oct 14, 2004
i need to vastly upgrade my old school x1800xt graphics card. my 880gtx was stolen x.X awhile ago. I haven't been paying attention for video cards for a while but i'm long due for an upgrade for modern warfare 2. input please.
A 4890 is a great card for just under $200. If you want to save some money a 4870 is probably the best bang for the buck.
I love my XFX 4870 1gb. I don't ever remember the performance vs cost ratio being so low.....this card can be had for $120-150!
The 4890 is the best sub-$200 card. The GTX275 performs similarly, but it's more expensive.
A 4890 is a great card for just under $200. If you want to save some money a 4870 is probably the best bang for the buck.

I love my XFX 4870 1gb. I don't ever remember the performance vs cost ratio being so low.....this card can be had for $120-150!

I also love my 4870 1gb, and I paid $225 for it in December, and still think that was a decent deal.

If I had to chose a card again now I would definitely go with a 4890, such incredible power vs. price o_O
HD-4870 all the way. HD-4890 if you want to go the full $200.
GTX 260-216. You can run PhysX in games like the new Arkham Asylum demo everyone is raving about.
You can get a GTX275 for around $200. I think it is the best overall card on the market right now.

Why? We're not even using DX10 stuff yet, although guess the manufactures will probably just bypass Dx10 and go to 11, so who knows. Dx10 is like the graphics version of Vista it seems.
Why? We're not even using DX10 stuff yet, although guess the manufactures will probably just bypass Dx10 and go to 11, so who knows. Dx10 is like the graphics version of Vista it seems.

So if he waits a month dx11 cards will be out (ati ones at least) and the price of all the dx10 cards will drop.
Yeah either a gtx 275 or a 4890 would be the best way to spend your money