Image building for DVDs


[H]F Junkie
Apr 5, 2000
I'm looking for something that will allow me to make an image of my DVDs and software that can run them (a la Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools). I did try making an image with Alcohol once, but it barfed up some copy protection conjecture and I haven't really tried it since. This is also the same reason I haven't bothered to try doing this with Daemon Tools.

Anywho, my ultimate goal is to free up my physical drive as much as possible for when I make my backups. I really don't like tying it up for so much time during the analyze and compression phases DVDShrink goes through. There's just something about having the drive run steadily for up to 4 hours at a time doesn't sit well with me.

Just for clarification I'm trying to make ISO's of my movies so I can compress and edit later straight off the hard drive. I have other things to do with the drive itself and I generally have a habit of saving on the wear-&-tear of my hardware as much as possible.
It looks like CloneDVD can write to an ISO file. However, whether or not Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools will be able to mount it remains to be seen.
I was checking my Daemon Tools options and under device parameters you can even set DVD Region. My guess is it should work. If you have a chance to try it out, let me know. That could come in handy.