IBM Whips Out its Master Debater


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
IBM has been working on its Project Debater since 2012. The AI powered technology is looking to help people reason by providing arguments free of emotion, bias, or ambiguity. Until you can get your significant other installed with this technology, just face it, you are not going to win the discussion.

Check out the video.

We designed a method to determine whether a given claim supports or contests a new controversial topic. Our model breaks down the complex cognitive process of determining stance into a sequence of simpler sub-tasks. We identified effective AI solutions to these sub-tasks, which can combine to predict claim stance with high precision.
Before the debate can begin, the computer has to be fed data/arguments/history. NOW we can argue about what gets left out and what is true or biased going into the computer.
In 'real' debate (like debate club stuff) tabula rosa is a big deal, at least to store judges, wonder how well the computer does at that.
"arguments free of emotion, bias, or ambiguity."

Then, I suppose, all this thing can do is state facts. Encyclopedia-esque. (Wiki for you youngsters)
I'd love to see this AI respond to trump speeches and fact check them. I'd be curious to see the results or if the system just melts down.
"arguments free of emotion, bias, or ambiguity."

Then, I suppose, all this thing can do is state facts. Encyclopedia-esque. (Wiki for you youngsters)

It looks to me that it takes data around a subject and correlates a for or against based on the data it has access to and the hopefully checked validity of that data. Otherwise one trip through reddit and it will be screaming that porn is good and boobies win.
How fast can it speed through arguments, and will it not be a let down in the 1AR like my last partner?
How long before we can automate politics?
IBM has been working on that process for years in a number of their military contracts for tactical decision making, I know here in Canada they are in the process of training AI to try to find better solutions for immigration and a few other social problems.

After looking into it more it appears that many countries are turning to AI to help find tax cheats.
imo IBM is ahead of Google in this kind of stuff. Since watson, I think IBM can pull this off.
na this thing cant do shit example a:

person a: the world is flat

computer: it is not and here is why

person a: you're a government compericy to cover it up


the same can be had in politics or basicly any topic. stupid humans are not above saying a machine is wrong, stupid, biased, racist, a nazi or other things just to stand their ground. thing of how many arguments you have got into where no matter how many facts you stated you would still be deemed incorrect by the other person
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na this thing cant do shit example a:

person a: the world is flat

computer: it is not and here is why

person a: you're a government compericy to cover it up


the same can be had in politics or basicly any topic. stupid humans are not above saying a machine is wrong, stupid, biased, racist, a nazi or other things just to stand their ground. thing of how many arguments you have got into where no matter how many facts you stated you would still be deemed incorrect by the other person
Sadly I think you are absolutely correct. Fact's don't matter any more. We are in a world led by perception of the truth rather than actual fact. It drives me crazy.
Sadly I think you are absolutely correct. Fact's don't matter any more. We are in a world led by perception of the truth rather than actual fact. It drives me crazy.

Facts never mattered. This is not a new phenomena. And there have been plenty of studies going back to at least the 70s on why this is. People are ruled by emotion. If you state something that agrees with their belief, it strengthens their belief. If you state something that proves their belief wrong, people strengthen their belief. In the end, if you take an opposing side of a person's belief, you've already lost. You're viewed at best an idiot, and the worst thing about it, is that we can't even realize when we're wrong. Anyone who thinks that other people are idiots for their beliefs are themselves most likely an idiot too.

Facts never mattered. This is not a new phenomena. And there have been plenty of studies going back to at least the 70s on why this is. People are ruled by emotion. If you state something that agrees with their belief, it strengthens their belief. If you state something that proves their belief wrong, people strengthen their belief. In the end, if you take an opposing side of a person's belief, you've already lost. You're viewed at best an idiot, and the worst thing about it, is that we can't even realize when we're wrong. Anyone who thinks that other people are idiots for their beliefs are themselves most likely an idiot too.

That article is really... really depressing. lol.
"arguments free of emotion, bias, or ambiguity."

Then, I suppose, all this thing can do is state facts. Encyclopedia-esque. (Wiki for you youngsters)

You can bias the results of facts by choosing what to include or exclude. Thus..even facts can be "biased" by proxy.
More specific, down to an individual person, rather than a people - don't you think?

Well it'd be persons, but as a whole we are generally wired the same.

It depends on the samples they used for learning. Just like children they can turn out to be amazing or terminators.