I was told EVGA had excellent customer service.


Jun 13, 2006
I bought 2x 1080 gtx classified about 2 weeks ago. Instead of doing the thermal mod myself, I just said eh, just let EVGA send me one with the mod installed and I'll send my two that I bought within 30 days back (I'm still within the return period from Microcenter..) they were mint.

EVGA doesn't/can't do cross shipping for two cards at a time so I cross shipped one and am still waiting for the other one to come through standard RMA. I got one today and even though it got here within a week of communication, the thing was scratched to hell.. I didn't mind a refurbished one as I assume it would be mint but not like this...

I was told EVGA had excellent RMA lol. I boxed it back up and am gonna use the return label to send it back and am debating on doing the mod myself or return it and get 2xAsus strix.

I wasn't even mad, I seriously just laughed and took pictures.

Ah well I tried and failed.. lol

Anyone else had a similar EVGA rma?

These are just some of the scratches, there's more.







You got a refurb card back. I guess that's normal outside the EU.

You can try ask EVGA about it, perhaps they replace it with a brand new.
Did eVGA offer to replace this one?
Didn't bother, I sent them an email saying I was sending it back.

To be fair, both of my 1080 gtx classified were purchased as open box from Micro center so I wasn't expecting a new replacement. But my open box GPUs were mint with the plastic still on it so eh... No ill feelings towards EVGA cs since it is the warehouse guys that sent this scratched one up.
Didn't bother, I sent them an email saying I was sending it back.

To be fair, both of my 1080 gtx classified were purchased as open box from Micro center so I wasn't expecting a new replacement. But my open box GPUs were mint with the plastic still on it so eh... No ill feelings towards EVGA cs since it is the warehouse guys that sent this scratched one up.

So eVGA will be replacing it then?
Ah yes, the old "EVGA will take care of you, just let them keep selling and sending you garbage until they get it right".

Return them and get better cards. People need to get off EVGA's dick and realize they aren't a good engineering manufacturer. They ship high volumes and have better than average customer service, that's it.
looks like they just dumped all the cards that needed fixing into a big bin and they just grab one and go.
You know, THEY NORMALLY DO. But right now they're handling one of their largest recalls ever, and you went into this knowing that.

Don't be surprised if there are fuckups, you're just a number until they get this mess picked-up. NO COMPANY has the personnel on-staff to handle a large recall.
Small update, they offered to send me an expedited replacement but I declined and said that I'll just keep my original classifieds since they do work and to just send me the thermal mod and I'd do it myself.

They offered a care package but I declined.. Would have been a t-shirt and some other stuff that I won't ever use lol.
EVGA at least tried to make it right. Good luck on getting any kind of timely response from ASUS.
Small update, they offered to send me an expedited replacement but I declined and said that I'll just keep my original classifieds since they do work and to just send me the thermal mod and I'd do it myself.

They offered a care package but I declined.. Would have been a t-shirt and some other stuff that I won't ever use lol.

so.. ultimately their customer service is pretty good.

I feel like people should try RMA'ing with some of these other manufacturers for reference..
As someone who almost always buys ASUS, I'd say that the overall behavior of EVGA towards their customer base (at least the lack of overt horror stories for the most part in regard to this defect) is certainly causing me to consider EVGA for my next video card purchase.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall if this situation occurred with ASUS at the helm instead of EVGA. I'd bet the wailing and gnashing of teeth (even of my own) would be legendary. :eek:
so.. ultimately their customer service is pretty good.

I feel like people should try RMA'ing with some of these other manufacturers for reference..

It has been a few years, but EVGA treated me well when I had to RMA cards with them. ASUS was good way back when I had my Socket 939 motherboard from them and required service, but made matters worse the last time I dealt with them. Gigabyte and MSI have been normal so far, in my experience. I guess I just don't understand why an average customer service experience should be the apex of dealing with a lot of these companies.
^ I'm inclined to agree. As good as their customer service supposedly is, considering I have to RMA across the US-Canada border with them (and since I could easily drop off at my local ASUS or MSI depots for a much quicker, cheaper turnaround), I'd rather the card not need service to begin with.

Which becomes an issue when it also seems their quality has never been above average either (the 1070 I bought this generation had that thermal pad shit going on), and if all else is equal, then the performance their cards come with (assuming I don't pay a premium on their high-end stuff) is usually a tier below other custom cards -- and that's if EVGA even offers a custom solution that round since it's usually reference or equivalent with them.

I'm sure I'd feel slightly differently if my shipping options were cheaper, but as it is, EVGA is low on my list.
With the size of this "issue", they may be outsourcing the work for the cards coming back? Could be why QC wasn't as good on yours.
I've been good with EVGA customer support. On my 3rd generation of EVGA now. I requested the thermal pad mod pack for my 1080. They sent me the full kit for mem, gpu and back of card in < 2 weeks. I decided to replace all the pads to increase contact area for thermal transfer. I spent more time cleaning up the thermal goop than doing the whole install. The bios update didn't change noise acoustics by much since my 140's tend to dominate the sound profile. Perf was still within margin. Temp wise, the back plate is showing more thermal emission from the contact area instead of just where the pwm points were so its doing its job now.
EVGA's CS is excellent. The actual quality of their products is what can be questionable, especially their RMAs. I've been through RMA hell with EVGA before. Three separate RMAs on a 570 before finally getting a card that worked long term. Even made a thread about it back in 2012 venting my frustrations with EVGA's RMAs. My old boss also went through multiple 9800GX2 RMAs through EVGA before they sent him something else. Sadly, I'd still recommend EVGA for people because despite the issue no one else out there has their CS. All the others have the same or worse issues when it comes to CS and RMA'ing. PC hardware is a fucking disaster when it comes to customer service.
I think Abit RMA was good for me 6-7 years ago and WD has been excellent so far (had a drive die on Monday, had replacement by Wed). Asus has been so/so for the experience but CS wise, EVGA has been good. The quality of RMA is kinda questionable, but understandable since they don't go ripping open new boxes for the RMA part.
Wow! I've had great customer service from EVGA but man those look pitiful! I'm a fan of ASUS and EVGA first but tend to lean toward ASUS. I know people have complained about ASUS customer service but they've been almost as good as EVGA in my experience and I've had to deal with them a few times over the years.
LOL! That's just the Fallout 4 Limited Edition, it supposed to look like that. :p

Seriously though. Would not buy from them after their mistake to not ship these cards with Thermal Pads on the VRM's. What were they thinking other than saving 5 dollars? Cost cuts and stupidity have destroyed many a' companies reputations.

Sorry for your loss OP, that looks brutal.
I've been a big EVGA fan over the years but I went Asus for a 1080. After all the thermal pad non-sense, I think I'll try MSI for a 1080 ti
I am an Asus fan as well. Several good experiences, zero bad. I went with MSI this time with the 1080 as I like their partnership with EK on the Sea Hawk EK X.
I was an EVGA guy for many years, largely for their superior customer service. However, due to some defective GPUs, most recently a 1070 that had the heating problem, I needed their customer service a helluva lot. Chose MSI for my 1080. So far, so good.
The best company is the one that you don't have to RMA their products due to fuckups at design level.

But, people still think, that if company makes another construction flaw at yet another generation and then offers to fix that mistake, then they are the best.
The best company is the one that you don't have to RMA their products due to fuckups at design level.

But, people still think, that if company makes another construction flaw at yet another generation and then offers to fix that mistake, then they are the best.

You have to RMA products for any company, its just a matter of how much.
This round evga prices skyrocketed. I ended up with an asus. I haven't had a non evga card in 10 years.
Honestly, and I've said this many times, I am fine with any major brand. I'm not married to any of them. I have my preferences but in the end there are truly very few differences in the various experiences.
I'm in the process of RMAing a dead GTX 1080 FE through EVGA. This thread reminded me that it's best to do a cross-ship RMA if for no other reason than to be able to inspect the replacement card with the original card still in-hand. Hopefully it goes smoothly.
I'm in the process of RMAing a dead GTX 1080 FE through EVGA. This thread reminded me that it's best to do a cross-ship RMA if for no other reason than to be able to inspect the replacement card with the original card still in-hand. Hopefully it goes smoothly.

I see no hard in cross shipping when you are using a credit card.