I AM BANE!!! I Break People, Mom


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Hushmeholes rank right up there with Glassholes? If you need personal acoustic protection, why don't you leave, or better yet, STFU. I do however know this, we are all going to hear you the moment that gets slapped off your face. Then on the other hand, there are probably some people in your environment that should likely be required to wear this.

Check out the video.

^We've already gone this far... Fuck it, why not...

I found a video that shows it off a little bit. http://www.citynews.ca/video/2017/01/07/video-daily-download-at-the-consumer-electronics-show/

I could still understand the person. That said if you activated the feature to start playing animal sounds I found find the extremely annoying. I think if I heard somebody in an office using something that was playing sound effects every time they talk at a volume loud enough to drown them out I would be telling them to take their call outside.
I very much like the idea of a device that would hush people.

No more having to listen to inane, loud, obnoxious, puerile conversation while trying to shop, eat out, go to a movie, on a plane or any other place.

The even better invention would be a Hush-You
I very much like the idea of a device that would hush people.

No more having to listen to inane, loud, obnoxious, puerile conversation while trying to shop, eat out, go to a movie, on a plane or any other place.

The even better invention would be a Hush-You

Instead of hearing the people talk though you instead would hear ducks quacking, dogs barking, drums. Which would you rather hear the person or animals?
And here I would just send an email if I didn't want everyone around me listening to me. Or hey, make the call later when I'm not in as public a place. It's cool though, this is way less conspicuous than that and won't draw as much attention.
What the crap is wrong with sending a text message?! That thing just looks ridiculous.....might as well stick your head inside a motorcycle helmet with sound proofing.....would probably work better than this garbage.
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I want one. So I can replace the animal sounds with a mans voice plotting to bomb the building he is in.
We are truely de-volving....................jesus ...................just tell people to shut the fuck up.
Fools! This is what you gift that asshole who thinks that taking garlic supplements will make him virile and bring young women to tears. Well, it does make poeple cry, but it's just the stench of garlic causing it. Give him one of these and let him reap his just desserts.

And if you're taking garlic supplememts? Yeah, you reek.
"Stylish, ergonomic..." As everyone else has pointed out, we are obviously coming to the point where ball gags are acceptable public attire.

This, of course, will take off in Japan, where they will further reduce cube space to a 24in square. Progress!

On a related note, I love the sly, "I was just talking sh** about you" look he gives his co-worker at the end of his conversation.
the look of this is stupid, but the concept of privacy is ok. I mean sure, when you can, relocating to an area with privacy is your best bet. But what if you can't? You're on an airplane or on a train, etc and yet you need to be on a business meeting and not share company secrets.
If you have the luxury of rescheduling and waiting, sure. If not, then a device like this (this one seems kinda stupid design wise) makes sense.
Think about the cone of silence from get smart.
I very much like the idea of a device that would hush people.

No more having to listen to inane, loud, obnoxious, puerile conversation while trying to shop, eat out, go to a movie, on a plane or any other place.

The even better invention would be a Hush-You

The solution to this already exists: It is called "manners". A lost art.
The sound effects portion can go f*ck itself otherwise and woe be unto the asshole that activates it next to me. That said something like this should required for people that work in open space collaborative offices. There is nothing worse than sitting at a table with 12 other people while 8 of them are yapping on the phone and you're trying to work or, even worse, your on the phone with a customer and they are on with a friend talking about the previous nights adventure. Unprofessional? Yes, but in that environment it happens all day everyday because there is simply no where to go. The "inventor" of these type office spaces clearly had no clue.
Oh, this is a serious product? I totally thought I was watching another silly youtube parody/joke video
I can see this being used at work. We have a lot of doctors/pharmacists lined up in cubicles doing telehealth Skype calls. Office space cost a crap load of money, and if this helps keep us hippa compliant then I bet they buy them. Even if its just as an excuse to say "we bough these for the Dr. but they refused to use them" Then that would put most of the hippa complaint onto the Dr.
Wait... So the assholes are the ones using the device? I thought it was all the people whining about "Just get up and go somewhere else to talk" or "Just text them"... Good GOD people. These people ARE trying to use manners, not making everyone else listen to them on the phone. How far does this go? Are we going to start crying about all the Car-holes not just taking a horse or buggy to work? What about all the power-holes needing wires running to the house just so they don't have to light a few lamps? Or what about all those Comp-holes not just using a slide rule like everyone else !?! I never thought I would run into such a large abundance of luddites on the [H].
This is the problem with the whole retarded 'open work space' idea. My company is expanding and my boss jumped on the idea of "oh the new space will be all open work area". -.- After basically everyone told him it's the dumbest idea ever he finally backed down and went 180 degrees and said "everyone is going to get offices, we want people to feel valued and recruit the best talent and people like offices".
no one will buy this. the people being assholes dont realize/care they are annoying. so who is the target market for this?

/initiate HR upspeak

Hi Dar!

Welcome to your new open plan office environment today! Yes, we understand you spend a lot of time dealing with customers on the phone and we have taken your needs to heart! Here's your new personal hushme and if you log into the company portal you can watch the husme orientation and operation guide. Have a productive daaayy!

/end upspeak.
/initiate HR upspeak

Hi Dar!

Welcome to your new open plan office environment today! Yes, we understand you spend a lot of time dealing with customers on the phone and we have taken your needs to heart! Here's your new personal hushme and if you log into the company portal you can watch the husme orientation and operation guide. Have a productive daaayy!

/end upspeak.

Fair point lol.

Fine Ill use it but only if it outputs r2d2 noises when i talk.