Hyper-V VM DC backing up the system state


Jun 28, 2004
How do you go about doing this?

Any other ideas?

Are you using a third part tools/backup solutions?
We use DPM and on DC's that are VM's i install the DPM agent to the guest VM directly and exclude it from host based backups.
I'm not a Hyper-V guy but I'm sure the concept is the same as VMware practices. Virtual DC backups still have to be performed via an in-guest agent that captures the system state. Snap based backups aren't supported and I could only assume that has to carry over to Hyper-V.
AppAssure with an agent installed on each VM. Daily snapshots for most servers including the DC servers, and servers with large amount of change (Exchange, SQL, File) 1 hour snapshots.
As everyone else has said, you'll have to do a backup of the System State from within the VM to capture the data. This can be agent-based (whatever program) or generic windows Server Backup, etc, but from within the VM. After that Data is captured, full VM image level is fine.