Humans, Not Robots, Are The Real Reason Artificial Intelligence Is Scary


Aug 20, 2006
Well, we kind of know that humans like killing and will make a weapon out of anything. What is really scary is how an engineer and a professor don’t think robots are, in fact, going to kill us all.

Imagine a GoPro-bearing quadcopter drone, the kind of thing anyone can buy. Now imagine a simple piece of software that allows it to fly automatically. The same nefarious crime syndicate that can weaponize a driverless car is just inches away from attaching a gun and programming it to kill people in a crowded public place.
Or imaging a GoPro-bearing quadcopter drone flying over a crowd......

I can think of several more deadly things that could be attached/released from a drone that would be worse than a having one fire several shots into a crowd.
Once this happens there will be calls for drone licenses and registration so that any drone could be tracked back to the owner.
Or imaging a GoPro-bearing quadcopter drone flying over a crowd......

I can think of several more deadly things that could be attached/released from a drone that would be worse than a having one fire several shots into a crowd.
Once this happens there will be calls for drone licenses and registration so that any drone could be tracked back to the owner.

I think you are a little late on that one. This is but one of quite a few...