HTC can Track Eye Movement in VR to Determine Your Interest in the Ad Placement


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
HTC has devised a new system where companies can place advertising in VR applications and then HTC can track your interest in the advertisement. If your gaze leaves the advertisement such as you intentionally looking away, the advertiser doesn't have to pay for the placement. There are quite a few ad placement formats that I detailed in the quote after the video. There is a HTC Viveport developer article release for more information on the subject.

SMI Eye tracking HMD technology, that was demoed on a HTC Vive, had a prominent showing at this year's GDC. It is only a matter of time before something similar is fully integrated into the HTC Vive. The ability to track a user looking away by moving their head from an advertisement is one thing; to truly track their eyes to see how far they read the text in an advertisement before looking away is on another level of interaction. I believe a system like the SMI demo could bring this level of tracking to assist advertisers in creating better ads.

Here is a refresher video for those that missed the SMI presentations. I want to add that I hope that the ads aren't louder than the VR app they are contained within. That would not be cool. There is a reason why we are moving on from TV broadcasts to the internet for consumption of media. What do you think? Are you ready for VR advertising? Would you be more likely to buy a product or app advertised within a VR environment that on a Steam Store page?

With the VR Ad Service, advertisers only pay for an ad after a user has seen it. The service is strictly opt-in, meaning that ads will only show up in content where developers have decided to include them. On its website, HTC writes: "Ads that appear in immersive VR environments can not only provide more effective impressions, they can also track whether the users have viewed them or have turned away their gaze."

Some of the advertising formats being considered are:

    • Loading Scene
    • Big Screen Video
    • 3D Model AD
    • Mixed AD
    • In App
    • 2D Placement
    • 3D Placement
    • End Game
    • App Recommended
"If your gaze leaves the advertisement such as you intentionally looking away, the advertiser doesn't have to pay for the placement."

Howabout you learn a lesson and stop delivering them to the people who are annoyed by them?
"If your gaze leaves the advertisement such as you intentionally looking away, the advertiser doesn't have to pay for the placement."

Howabout you learn a lesson and stop delivering them to the people who are annoyed by them?

Why not just have some text on the Start menu for the game that says, "If interested in more of our development team's products or partner products then click here to check them out!" But we all know that is too easy. :)
when you have a giant like M$ turning it's OS into an Adware, then it's just a matter of time before the rest follow the trend.
Umm actually Microsoft is the one following other big corporations turning the it OS to adware. Google and Apple been doing this for years.
Nice. You can't look away. They'll have to work on the eyelids next.
We the people need to rise up against these advertisement over lords. It is insane how they just force ads down our throats at every corner. I know it is a evil that is need but they just taking it too far. It Ben when you pay for something they still force ads on you.
Umm actually Microsoft is the one following other big corporations turning the it OS to adware. Google and Apple been doing this for years.
because they offered a free service and monetize with ads and the service was not something that must be ran, like an operating system that is required to use the hardware, and that you bought for 150$, M$ just took it another new level, and exactly because M$ crossed that line, that many smaller companies will think, well if they did it why can't we !
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It is so stupid, the last ad I can remember paying any attention to was that Wazzup Budweiser commercial.

What bugs me the most about this is they make a 'ad' profile, then when I go looking for something I want, or just something interesting, my 'profile' kicks in and who knows what I miss.
Nonsense, cancer is cancer. People die from that shit; ads haven't killed anyone. Except ones for cigarettes, tanning beds, alcohol...
Advertising is what keeps the lights lit in the vast majority of media/entertainment outlets. It's not a perfect system, but it will speed up the rate of adoption by the general population dramatically. Your grandma isn't going to shell out the money for a sweet new VR rig, but if you told her she could tapdance along with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, she wouldn't think twice about buying a cheaper one with Amazon Special Offers.
I wish they spent as much time on the product as they did on ad's. ad placement and tracking how much you look at it. I for one will not take part in such tom foolery.
Umm actually Microsoft is the one following other big corporations turning the it OS to adware. Google and Apple been doing this for years.
Never seen a single ad on my iPhone outside of a free app.
Never seen a single ad on my iPhone outside of a free app.
Same for any android or win phone I have ever had. Free apps, and of course, their respective storefronts only. Though sometimes there are bookmarks in the built in browser that could constitute ads if you look at it from an angle.
Same for any android or win phone I have ever had. Free apps, and of course, their respective storefronts only. Though sometimes there are bookmarks in the built in browser that could constitute ads if you look at it from an angle.
That is true. But, at least on the iPhone, you can simply delete them.