hp tablet battery fix with cm9


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 1, 2004
i wrote this to a friend in case others find it handy. my battery life is much higher now.

Get the latest “nightly” 1/2013 cm9 build it is awesome. it fixes the camera and battery life is great. install the 4/2012 gapps zip.

1. Turn on airplane mode
2. Turn wifi back on but keep airplane mode off
3. Turn on the setting to turn off wifi when in sleep mode (so its only on when the screen is on). My phone always has wifi/4g on for paging which is not needed for my touchpad
4. Reboot, make sure wifi stays on but airplane mode is on. This killed the juice draining cellphone services with cm9.
5. Charge to 100%
6. Download the calibration tool:
a. https://play.google.com/store/apps/...xLDEsImNvbS5uZW1hLmJhdHRlcnljYWxpYnJhdGlvbiJd
7. Use battery stats pro if you want to find draining apps:
a. https://play.google.com/store/apps/...EsImNvbS5yb290dW5pbnN0YWxsZXIuYnN0YXRzcHJvIl0.

Anywho my tablet now keeps a charge for 3+ days (still at 50%) and is keeping a charge on longer when in use. I have the display brightness at about 10%.

---- cm9 resources for hp touchpad---

