How to view pictures on a palm handheld?


Bad Trader
Jun 13, 2001
I have a Clie' peg t615c that I love, but I can't figure out how to view pictures nicely. I have a 128MB memory stick. And if I put pics at say 1536x1280 from my computer on teh stick, and open them up on my palm using 'PG Pocket' they look like ass. Dithering all over the place and I can't zoom in at all.

PG pocket came with some sample images however that look wonderful. So how do I make mine look great too?

This is very annoying cause this could be such a handy device if I could figure this out.

PGP is crap, it makes your images huge (100k >> 2MB), the only thing that I ever use it for is for converting images for use as backgrounds. For viewing pictures natively (jpeg, gif, etc.) you'll have to hunt down a 3rd party viewer. Some are free, though my favorite is AcidImage, which isn't.
I've looked far and wide for a free image viewer. But to no avail. I found Rescoview, and fireviewer and photostand. But they all suck. I'll try that one you mentioned, but free would be preferable.
Here are a few free image viewers to try. I think they only load JPEGs off of your MS though, but probably worth looking into. I don't know if they are compatible with your Clié, but they work on my NX80V. Out of these JPEG Show has the nicest layout, but changing folders isn't the nicest thing to do. But loading files and viewing them is sweet.

JPEG Show -

This one goes through directories easier, but isn't quite as nice, and doesn't support High-Res+ (480x320 res).

Crs-ImageView -

VFSi has a neat concept where it is a file manager with plugins to view images, so it is worth looking into. At least you can make .txt files I think. If you do save text files, don't click cancel (I just had to soft-reset)

VFSi -

This one didn't quite work for me, but you can check it out if you want. The layout isn't nearly as good as other programs, and for some reason it doesn't display the pictures, but tries to display it as text for me... Maybe it is a text/hex viewer and not image viewer?

Quickview -

Hope this helps. And have fun with your Clié.