how do i get startup aps starting at low CPU priority?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 15, 2006
Specifically Rainmeter, which is a resource monitoring widget that launches at startup, how do I get it to launch at low priority? Is there something in processes explorer or msconfig that will allow me to edit in run options, and if thats the case, whats the specific command?

thanks for any help.
I'm not sure if there's a way to make it launch with a low priority to begin with, but you can use something like WinAFC, Bill2's Process Manager, or Prifinity to automatically reduce its priority right after it launches.
Check out Process Lasso. I think with this you can even set processes to run on certain cores at boot up. Don't quote me on that though. Imagine dropping all of your start up programs on core 3 *drool*
Make a .bat file that contains

start /low <file>

Then have the bat run at startup. It's possible to use the /affinity switch to change processor affinity as well. And of course, you can put all the programs you want into one bat.
Make a .bat file that contains

Then have the bat run at startup. It's possible to use the /affinity switch to change processor affinity as well. And of course, you can put all the programs you want into one bat.
This would be better than using something like what I listed because you don't need the extra service starting (what's the point of tweaking just to give those cycles to something else!)
I don't know if you want to make it run on low priority to have a usable desktop right away, but if that's the case you can try something like Delay Run.