How do I add an image to my site?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 17, 2002
I run a small site from my home for my biz. I didnt create the site but I have acess to it and have figured out how to add links but thats about it. I had a logo made for the company and Id like to add it to the site. I include an image of the folder of the site files, just no clue how to add the image. Help please. Thanks


I don't know how that site is structured, but this is probably the easiest way. Find the section that outputs those links and add this (Preferrably outside the table).

response.write "<img src='mylogo.jpg' style='position:absolute; left:100; top:0;'>"

You're just outputting an html to the screen.

Or if you REALLY want it the easy way. Go to the end of the file and add this.

response.write "<img src='mylogo.jpg' style='position:absolute; left:100; top:0;'>"
sweet thank you...just one more thing the image is showing up at the bottom left, how can I move it to the top right. I tried playing around with the settings but I cant get it to move.

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That's weird, maybe the ASP was being called from another one and the output got put into a <DIV> or something.

Anyway try changing the position to 'position:fixed'

<img src='mylogo.jpg' style='position:fixed; left:100; top:0;'>

This is a quick fix tho. If you had put that in the list file. That logo isn't gonna show up unless the list file is getting called too. It probably has to be put in the default file but you'll have to figure out where to put it yourself. It's only 2kilobytes, so i *think* it's a simple one and you can *probably* put it safely in the end. But if putting it in the list file works for you, i guess you can leave it at that.
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thanks, had to add px to the end of left and top looks great now