Hot Spot on Red Devil 7900 XTX LE


Sep 5, 2008
Hitting 102 C during Fortnite on a high end 7900 XTX with pretty good air flow in the case - that OK or bad? Seems like 120 C is the bad stuff. Everything completely stock, no OC (outside of EXPO).

what us your average? I would recommend getting that. May be resetting the timer and playing or looping time spy extreme stress test loop till it settles in. Just start that in window mode and hit reset on timer to get good average.

Doesnt looks like your fans really spin that fast, so might be fine if the card is more towards silent configuration. Tweaking that might help too
what us your average? I would recommend getting that. May be resetting the timer and playing or looping time spy extreme stress test loop till it settles in. Just start that in window mode and hit reset on timer to get good average.

Doesnt looks like your fans really spin that fast, so might be fine if the card is more towards silent configuration. Tweaking that might help too
I'll try that. Having my own issues with 3DMark due to the Adrenalin profiles. Sigh.

It's consistently 102 C after Fortnite sessions. I have the fans on stock mode on the GPU - no changes. So that is a good point!

Thank you.
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102 c, not F :p, according to your screenshots. But does performance drop at all? Or does the frame rate stay stable?
FPS seems smooth. Just always notice triple digit anything in temps. :)

That hot spot temp seems high for the cooling potential on that card. But my questions is what is your ambient room temp? What is the actual fan speed when hitting those temps? If it is not consistently that peak 1300rpm or higher I would test locking your fan speed at 50-60 percent and see how it performs in comparison. Have you tested with an open case just to see if there is a notable difference?
That hot spot temp seems high for the cooling potential on that card. But my questions is what is your ambient room temp? What is the actual fan speed when hitting those temps? If it is not consistently that peak 1300rpm or higher I would test locking your fan speed at 50-60 percent and see how it performs in comparison. Have you tested with an open case just to see if there is a notable difference?
What’s best Afterburner? Thanks.

Ambient temp is 70 F in room.
I have just been using the AMD software. But afterburner should be good.
I have just been using the AMD software. But afterburner should be good.
Ah cool. I have no idea what I am doing. I found "Rage mode" and turned that on. Temp went down by 1 degree. :) Thank you for helping an AMD noob.

EDIT: found this... - on my way :)

Oh yeah - for next round...let's goooo!!!! (I do not care about silence, lol)



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Use gpu-z sensors to graph your graphics card over time. Gives you better insight to what it is doing at any given time.
Use gpu-z sensors to graph your graphics card over time. Gives you better insight to what it is doing at any given time.
Cool. I'll take a look. Hard core HWiNFO64 fan. Down to 99 C tops after the fan tuning.

EDIT: Ran 3DMark Time Spy stress test and actually saved that fan profile that I listed above (lol) - now it is down to 87 C!!!!!

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Ah cool. I have no idea what I am doing. I found "Rage mode" and turned that on. Temp went down by 1 degree. :) Thank you for helping an AMD noob.

EDIT: found this... - on my way :)

Oh yeah - for next round...let's goooo!!!! (I do not care about silence, lol)

View attachment 541971
I always thought the default fan curve was too conservative for hard GPU usage. Maybe try increasing it on that graph to around 40-50% at a minimum and then gradually ramp up. For me it was still basically silent but would keep temps under control better (6900xt last gen but the fan curve looks similar)
Those temps would bother me. I have the same gpu with good Airflow.
In WZ2 4k I pull 430w and hot spot peaks at 82c.
Custom fan curve that ramps early but peaks at 65%.
Not home to run and 3dmark comparison right now.
Those temps would bother me. I have the same gpu with good Airflow.
In WZ2 4k I pull 430w and hot spot peaks at 82c.
Custom fan curve that ramps early but peaks at 65%.
Not home to run and 3dmark comparison right now.
red devil has really low fan rpm by default thats the issue. It keeps stuff in check and stays super silent. So its not surprising ramping up the fans a bit to reasonable level makes a huge difference.
Those temps would bother me. I have the same gpu with good Airflow.
In WZ2 4k I pull 430w and hot spot peaks at 82c.
Custom fan curve that ramps early but peaks at 65%.
Not home to run and 3dmark comparison right now.
Yeah it's the default cooling. My custom fan curve for some reason does not save. I think my whole AMD driver install is FUBAR'd...probably should DDU and start over but it works well enough. I just have to check the curve prior to moving forward with gaming.

With the custom fan curve, it's super cool - peaks at 86 C.

Just DDU'd - much better:
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86c on the T-junction is really good for a 7900XTX. You have plenty of room to adjust fan curve and trade some noise for higher temps