
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Respawn Entertainment has released its new free-to-play (F2P) Battle Royale game called Apex Legends. It is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and via Origin on the PC.

Conquer with character in Apex Legends, a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary challengers fight for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Explore a growing roster of diverse characters and experience intense tactical squad play in a bold, new evolution of battle royale. Play for free now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Origin for PC.
It seems like a mix of Titanfall, Overwatch and Fortnite. Kids are downloading right now. I'll check it out when they play it and see if I want to give it a try.
TF2 characters were funny and original. Everyone else's characters suck because they are forced. You know I am right
up next, the old gameplay of king of the hill comes back alive
up next, the old gameplay of king of the hill comes back alive

Nah. I used to think battle royale was FFA in a way it's but context, man, context is entirely different.
Generic shooter with graphics of that one game... Firefall? I dunno. This gen of shooters just isn't for me I guess.
How do they have a launch trailer with no in game gameplay? It's all cut scenes......
Now I have to hop on Youtube to find random gameplay footage to assess the game.

OK, so I checked gameplay footage on Youtube.
To me this looks like a Black Ops Battle Royal Clone. Black ops was too arcadey for me and this looks identical. Not my Cup of tea...
So they give us the huge battlefield to get lost in...and take away the 1 standout component that would have probably had all of us downloading this right now.......and then replace pilots with generic heroes. Even if this is a great game, the path to getting here is painful to watch. Huge open world WITH mechs and the Pilots ability to move quicly around a vast world without a mech? Pretty sure that was the game we all thought we were getting a few years back.....
TF2 characters were funny and original. Everyone else's characters suck because they are forced. You know I am right

i especially thought this about Overwatch. That game is filled with some bad bad character design. Its like the worst influences from the early 2000s and anime. Lucio has dreadlocks, uses "speaker guns", and gets around on roller blades. Huh?
i especially thought this about Overwatch. That game is filled with some bad bad character design. Its like the worst influences from the early 2000s and anime. Lucio has dreadlocks, uses "speaker guns", and gets around on roller blades. Huh?

But is one of the most fun characters to play. Extreme mobility is really fun.
Playing now ... movement is not that great doesn't feel fast, fluid and natural like Blackout ... but it's def cool ... for now ....

Blackout still beats it in a lot of areas
Hard pass. Titanfall without Titans? Yeah, no thanks. Now Battle Royale *WITH* Titans? Holy crap, sign me up!
How do they have a launch trailer with no in game gameplay? It's all cut scenes......
Now I have to hop on Youtube to find random gameplay footage to assess the game.

OK, so I checked gameplay footage on Youtube.
To me this looks like a Black Ops Battle Royal Clone. Black ops was too arcadey for me and this looks identical. Not my Cup of tea...
I truly think that was on purpose. To get you to try the game by downloading the game.
Played this for a few hours last night. I'm honestly impressed. It's the first game i've played in a while (especially in the BR genre) that felt polished on launch. All of the guns I got my hands on feel good, the "legend" (their name for characters) abilities feel good, and none of them feel useless. The ping system is an incredible way to communicate if you don't have a mic, and your characters actually say things aloud like "Enemy to the West" or "We should go over there," which really helps you coordinate. They also say useful things about what's going on in the game itself, such as saying "That ring is getting close" or "we're in the last 10 squads!" The group drop mechanic is a refreshing take on the jump-out-of-a-plane mechanic, the respawn system solves one of my biggest gripes with all battle royale games (you drop in with buddies, get into a firefight, you die, your team wins, and now you're stuck waiting 5-30 minutes while they finish a game without you). On the money front, the micro-transactions are all cosmetic and all loot boxes tell you what you can get, and what percentage chance you have for what kind of drop, as well as guaranteeing no duplicate cosmetics and at least 1 legendary every 30 boxes (though legendaries have a 7.4% drop rate anyways).

If you're like me and have been burned out on the battle royale stuff, this one is worth giving a go to. It hit 8 million players on launch day, and Respawn has apparently already given us a 1 year road map, though I haven't looked at it myself yet.
They made sure to include everything that I despise in games. Maybe it has bullet sponge enemies too? Then the list would be complete!

  1. Must rely on team mates - check
  2. Cell shaded graphics - check
  3. battle royal pain in the ass - check
I truly think that was on purpose. To get you to try the game by downloading the game.
This was TOTALLY done on purpose. I was disappointed when they made the characters with cartoony faces and no helmets. Its a far cry from what it feels like in Titanfall. I downloaded it last night but didn't play. I will reserve my comments about the game until i have actually played it. Titanless Titanfall is not Titanfall. They should have marketed it in that universe but not attached the TF name to it. IMO they dumbed down the game to cloned the bad parts of the other BR games.
I'm in between games at the moment so I spun this up last night. It was fun. I haven't played an area style shooter in a while. Felt a little rusty. Considering the cost of entry is $0, it's pretty good. Graphics where nice and smooth. Weapon physics seem ok. Soooo rusty.... :p
Hard pass. Titanfall without Titans? Yeah, no thanks. Now Battle Royale *WITH* Titans? Holy crap, sign me up!

Did they ever market the game as Titanfall? Apart from being the same studio, I've not run across anything that says something like "Titanfall now has a battle royale game!" It's a different art style, different genre, and completely different game. The only things the game shares are a couple guns (as a nod to their big game) and a developer.

I only ask because this seems like the same kind of hate that Valve gets about HL3, which annoys me to death. "The developer didn't make the game I want, so I will now complain about their new game." I want Titanfall 3 as much as the next guy, because TF1 and 2 were easily my favorite FPSs of their time, but I'm happy to see them try something else, too.
It's one thing if you tried the game and said it's not for you. You're entitled to your opinion as much as anyone else. It's another thing entirely when you complain about a game solely because it isn't the game you wanted to see.
It wasn’t marketed at all as Titanfall. Full disclosure, I loved titanfall.

I tried this last night on pc. Spent three hours on it. No shortage of content, and I actually like the system in place for pinging and working with team mates.

If they added a option for solo, duo etc I’d easily have paid for it.

I enjoyed this much more than blackout.
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the respawn system solves one of my biggest gripes with all battle royale games (you drop in with buddies, get into a firefight, you die, your team wins, and now you're stuck waiting 5-30 minutes while they finish a game without you).

I like that it rewards the "last person" standing if they are smart and play for reviving their teammates instead of just running in and what happens happens.
It also means that there's incentive to "camp" a fallen enemies loot to prevent a squad from being restored to full, meaning better squads should be encouraged to focus on strategic position holding and less W+M1 gameplay.
i actually like the respawn thing.. came in clutch last second where it was my squad vs another at the end.. me being the god awful player i am i yolo rushed into the enemy to push them out of this building they were hiding in, got one to panic and run into the open and die to my squad mates, other two wrecked me and escaped. downside there were no guns/extra ammo for me after i respawned so i basically became a revive bot at the end while we chased down the last 2 people. was probably the most fun BR match i've ever had and even the ones where i died like an idiot i still had fun.. fortnite was far too tedious with the million hotkeys to build, pubg.. zzzzzzzzzzz....

that being said there are some issues like not being able to tell the difference between guns (cough kept accidentally picking up 2 of the same guns). some of the menu things are kind of annoying (it's easier using heal/shield regen through the tab menu then the keybinds.. also hold crouch triggers sliding sometimes if you're on a incline even if you're just standing still. still a fun game and i like the grouped queue even when playing solo, most of the people i've run into that i get grouped with are pretty cool even if i'm just an anchor.. (yeah i'm getting old and my reaction times suck).
They made sure to include everything that I despise in games. Maybe it has bullet sponge enemies too? Then the list would be complete!

  1. Must rely on team mates - check
  2. Cell shaded graphics - check
  3. battle royal pain in the ass - check
Must rely on team mates? I took down 4 guys by myself. There’s things to complain about, and then there’s some point where you just need to “git gud “
i think a lot of you people maybe just dont like BRs, some of the complaints here arent completely specific to apex legends. ITS OKAY. i cant stand rts/strategy games, so i dont play them. i dont force myself to keep buying and trying and complaining about them. i hate rts games.
Must rely on team mates? I took down 4 guys by myself. There’s things to complain about, and then there’s some point where you just need to “git gud “
Sorry, master, I just watched the promo video, that's how they advertised it.
Could hardly watch the video. FPS were so low, I'd never want to play that crappy game.
With a 2700x and a 1070 I was getting over 100 FPS max graphics. Only thing I remotely turned down was spot shadows to “high” instead of ultra. All of this at 1440p

So idk if the game will run on a toaster, but my 1070 is long in the tooth and plowed through this game at 1440p
Played last night, I definitely had fun!

20.xx GB install.
Developer used heavily modified version of Source Engine.

As I thought, the knock and revive system allows for more strategic plays/withdrawal, where a focus on squad survival can allow everyone to get back up and keep the fight going into late match.
Matches felt long, not sure what the average is but probably still 15 minutes like most BR games.
Radial wheel system is more work than opening inventory to use heal/shield items. They'll improve that no doubt, they better!
The ping system is sweet. Enemies, loot on ground, loot needed, watch here, going to defend here. Can also double ping to "cancel" ping done in error, and the characters have a voice cue to help players hear it.
Gunplay was fluid. I'm use to Fortnite now, but long time CS player, so that's my standard.
I didn't notice any lag, which is big for me. Hit registration seemed spot on. Not sure what the tick rate is, but if it's Source I at least know it's capable of 64/128 and not limited to 30 like Fortnite.