help with itunes organisiation please


Oct 2, 2007
I have an iPhone 4s 64gb that I have decided to fill with music.
Normal artist CDs have ripped just fine (ie "master of puppets is there under metallica for artists, so is and justice for all... etc etc)

However!!!! I have a few compilations that I want to get onto my phone under ALBUM, without also being sorted by individual artist as well.
Example - I have Rolling Stones 500 greatest songs of all time. Every single song is now on my phone under individual artist, not under the single "master" album. So I have 500 individual songs floating around rather than one album with 500 songs in that album. The songs are all tagged with the correct album, but when I click on albums in itunes it shows 252 individual albums, when I want it to show, and sort in ONE album.

any idea how I can fix this? I cannot have this music on my phone in its current state. I have tried making them a compilation in itunes but its just not doing what I want it to do. Can this even be done? am I an idiot? help me Obi Wan [H]enobi!

pic of my issue